Chapter 4: Virgil The Exiled leader of the Riders' Bloods

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Before you start the last chapter ended on a cliff  hanger so if you haven't read that chapter than read it. Each chapter is important and it adds something to story even if its don't continues were it left off. In this chapter you are going to finally meet Virgil so enjoy.

10 years ago............

"Virgil! I found someone who's just the person your looking." Says Kuzma

"What the hell your talking about Kuzma? Do you have a death wish." Virgil says in a cold tone

"Nnoo sir, it's just you said you was looking for someone strong to join the gang and I found someone." Kuzma says shaking

"Well spill what the hell your waiting for tell me." Virgil says impatiently

"Right! You can come in now." Kuzma says

Crimson walks in the hideout with a cold and lifeless expression on his face. Crimson look at Virgil up and down before glancing at Kuzma.

" This is Crimson, I found him in the—" Kuzma says getting cut off by Crimson

" Why the hell do it mater where you found me, I told you already say one more word and I will slice you into a million pieces and feed you to dogs." Crimson says with a serious expression

"Crimson was it. I like you welcome to the Riders' Bloods. I think you and I will be good friends." Virgil says with smirk on his face

" I do what I want and you don't tell me what to do watch you back "boss" or else I'll take your spot as boss of this gang." Crimson says coldly and glaring at Virgil

"How dare you—!" Kuzma says getting interrupted by Virgil

"I would like too see you try. This will be fun." Virgil says grinning

As Crimson leaves the room, Virgil walks to his chair and sits down then he waves to Kuzma.

"Boss I'm sorry about that jackass. I'll get rid of him right away." Kuzma says on his knees

" Don't worry about it I think he'll makes things fun around here. Where did you find him exactly he's a pretty interesting character." Virgil says grinning

" Right. I found him in the Wind district. Couple of  our guys was there for some business and they tried to jump him poor bastards didn't make it out of alive. Thought it was a waste to kill someone as strong as him so I offered him a deal." Kuzma says

"So your not so worthless after all Kuzma. Glad I chosen you as my second in command."  Virgil says patting Kuzma in the back with a smile

"Your too kind boss. I better get back training the guys." Kuzma says walking away

"You do what you must, we can't lose this fight. Virgil says while watching Kuzma walk away he looks at a photo of Crimson that he dropped. A Guardian Angel in the Wind district. They almost always found it the Hydro District, Interesting this Crimson guy gonna real interesting addition.

Then next day......

Kuzma walks around the hideout and runs into Crimson sitting on the couch looking at an old picture he has. Before Kuzma can get good look at the photo Crimson noticed him gets up, glares at him, and in  a hostile tone of voice " What the hell you want?"

" Your really not the friendly type of guy are you. I'm Kuzma, the boss's second in command. If you need anything you can come to me, how about I show you around the hideout." Kuzma says with a smile

"Fine whatever, but don't stick your nose into my business you got it." Crimson says hostility

Kuzma nodes his head and proceeds to show Crimson around the hideout. They go to the kitchens, then Kuzma shows Crimson the training room, the meeting room, then Kuzma's room, and finally the room where Crimson will be staying.

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