Chapter 12: A New Life On Earth

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The light was so bright and I heard noises voices I never heard. I was scared then someone spoke.

"I think I'm gonna name her Melanie." The woman spoke

Melanie was that my name. Did I have one before? I don't remember but Melanie I like it. The woman speaking must be my mother. That voice I heard when I was in darkness I wonder if I'll ever see the person behind it.

Moment before I got to the light someone was with me. I can't remember his name or who he is all I remember was the words he spoke to me. He said "No matter how long it takes I will find you again. I love you Princess."

But those was the only things I remember. From an early life I have always been different. I have a younger sister named Nova, who was 2 years younger then me she was always a mess wild but I love her. While she was always going out and having fun I was at home reading books and drawing. I did have one friend she was there since we was kids her name is Kat. She the complete opposite of me she keeps dragging me to parties that if I wasn't friends with her I wouldn't been invited. It was the first day of kindergarten that was the day I first meet Kat.

"Hey why you sitting here all by yourself." Kat asked

I can see what some might say are "Angels" I say it like that Cuzs they are always glaring at with a death stare like I did something wrong. Everyone has a angel around them. Well everyone but me maybe I'm cursed. That's why I don't talk to people. Their guardian angel glares they can't see them but I can. So I kept to myself and put my head down. The only angels that don't glare at me is my mother's and my sister's. My father died after my sister was born so I have no memory of him. But Kat she don't have one either she just like me but the only difference is she can barely see them.

"You don't have the scary people around you." I say in sad voice

"Huh scary people you mean the bright lights of outlines?" Kat says

"I wish I could see what you see." I say

"Hey don't be scared. Let's be friends I'm
Kat what's your name?" She asked lol

"Melanie." I says

"That's cute name it fits." She says smiling

We been inseparable ever since that day. Even when I'm sad she was always there for me. I tried looking into anything about our strange powers but no answer. I tried looking for answers for years but nothing. I read every type of book even down to fiction to find something but nothing. The older I got memories started to come to me they were blurry though. What repeats in my mind is blood and a man standing over a woman's body with her last breath saying something to me but I can't hear what she says. I see it in my dreams every night and I wake up screaming and crying. I don't know why but it makes me mad and sad.

"Melanie what's wrong another bad dream." My mom says hugging me

"Will they ever go away." I say crying

"I don't know. I can't answer that dear." Mom says with me still in my arms

Kat never had the same dreams as me she always says maybe the dreams are more then just nightmares.  She said it could be connected to the fuzzy memories I have.  If that's the case why can't I remember.

The kids at school use to make fun of me because I stay to myself and every-time someone walks up to me I see their angels and scream. Elementary school was a living nightmare, Kat was there for me without her I don't think I would have made it through. Middle school was a bit better Kat was on the cheer team and I spent most of my free time in the library waiting for Kat to get off cheer practice. Then she'll drag me to a diner and we just talk about everything. High school was the same routine but instead of the diner she will drag to a party she was invited to on the weekends. I didn't mind it but I was kinda annoying just watching her making out with a random guys to make her ex boyfriend jealous.

As time went on we even ended up going to the same college together it was a great break. Even though I'm older I'm still have this strange power I can't seem to figure out. Freshman year of college was uneventful because we was new Kat didn't have the party connections like she did in high school. Sophomore year changed everything for Kat and me. It all started the summer before school began. That's where I met him.

"Come on Melanie don't be suck a nerd. This party is gonna be the best one yet. You have to come plus there be some cute geeks you can talk to." Kat says pushing me into her closet

"Kat you know why I don't get close to anyone plus I'll just be in the way." I say trying to escape her grasp.

"I'm not taking no for an answer. Now put this on and I'll do your hair." Kat says throwing a black crop top and a blue high waisted skirt at me.

"Umm but this—" I say before getting cut off

"No buts your going and your wearing that now get dressed." She says before walking out and grabbing her stuff as I change into the clothes

"Your really pushing it with these clothes." I say walking out

"Ohh my gosh you look hot. Now put theses shoes on and come over here so I can do your hair. Since you don't like makeup." Kat says handing me some flat sandals as I sit down on a chair

"Hey! I just don't see the point of it thats all." I say

"Yeah whatever miss natural beauty." Kat says as she starts to curl my hair

After Kat curled my hair she styled in a half up half down style. Before turning me to a mirror, as I smile at the work she did. Kat said " I know I'm amazing. Now let's go or we gonna be late."

Kat and I walked out of our dormitory and went to Kat's car. We go in her car and she started to drive out the parking lot. She drove for a good twenty five minutes before she got to a big house near the campus grounds. It was a mansion, She parked in the street and we got out and of course a bunch some people flocked Kat like always.

"Ohh my gosh Kat you made it and your brought a friend cute. Now come on in have fun." One girl said

"Hey Kat since you here how about I get you drink." One guy says

"Aww you so sweet let me get inside first before anything." Kat says while walking inside with everyone including me behind them

"So who's your friend she hot." Another guy says

Before I could respond I saw a pair of white wings appear as the guy's guardian angel came out and looked me dead in eyes with the same angry look I get from them for years.

"I'm gonna go explore this place Kat you have have fun with these guys." I say walking away as fast as I could away from them

"That's was weird did I say something to freak her out."  The guy said as I walked away

Getting out of kitchen I walked to the living room there was a bunch of people. I looked out the patio door and opened it to the outside where there was a pool and outside bar, there's was people there too but not as much. I walked out and went to a random corner to sit at.  Until I saw a guy he was wearing all black and it seem no one even noticed him. He was kinda cute I stare at him for a few seconds before he noticed me.

"Hey! Princess get lost there's nothing interesting to look at over here." The guy said in cold tone

"Sorry." I said before running away and leaving the patio

I wondered who he is I never seen him before on campus I thought and wondered but it wasn't like I was gonna see him again anyways I found a spot to be at as I waited for the party to end. Kat found me and we went home. I ended up driving because Kat was a little drunk. Little did I know that night was the start of  something that changed my life forever.

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