Chaper 3: Melia and Crimson

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Before you start this chapter this will be the longest chaper so far and it will mainly focus on building the relationship of Melia and Crimson so the antagonists wont be properly introduce until the next chapter. Enjoy.

"Let go of us you creeps!" Melia screams

"Shut up rich bitch!" Thug one says pushing Melia on the floor of the hideout

"Dont be so rough she royalty." Crimson says as he walks to his chair and sits down

"Fine what do we do with her little friend." Thug one says holding up Ivana

"Drop her next to the princess." Crimson says

The thugs drop Ivana next to Melia. Start to leave the room.

"Hey! idiots untie them you cant leave them tie up like that."Crimson orders the thugs

"Why should we they will just run away and tell what than we will be screwed." Thug two says

"Dumbass I know that. So lock the door and guard the exits that's why I gave you idiots weapons in first place." Crimson says

Thug two unties the girls and the other thugs guards the exits.

"You what's your name."Crimson asks pointing to Ivana

"My name is Ivana." Ivana says trembling in fear

"Why do you care about her name just let us go you creep!" Melia says angrily

"Pipe down princess I just want some small talk besides it your fault that you got caught. You shouldn't be sticking your nose in other people's business."Crimson says with a hostile look

Melia fell quiet scared remembering what she saw. Then she spoke in fear. "You killed someone. Why."

"He was trader so he was worth less to me. My name is Crimson by the way and dont look so frightened I'm not gonna hurt you two." Crimson says

Crimson gets up from his chair and than waves his thugs away.

"You stop guarding the door. Get lost thugs."Crimson says than turned to the girls

"Your free to go as long you keep your mouth shut about what you saw tonight we wont come after you." Crimson says smiling

"We will." Ivana says as she grabs Melia and starts walking out the door.

Melia looks at Crimson and her heart skipped a beat. She smiles back at Crimson and turns back to Ivana as they left the hideout of Crimson's gang.

"Why did you let them go? You never let witnesses go, you gone soft!" Thug two says

"Shut up you idiot! I'm not gonna kill two cute young girls just because they saw me murder someone. Besides they were scared so they wont rat us out." Crimson says

"Dont tell me you fell for one of them." Thug two asks

"No, dumbass! I barely know them and that's its we wont have to deal with them anymore so drop it. I just saved you guys from life in jail or worst execution." Crimson says walking away

Thugs look at each other and sighed of relief than they went their separate ways.

The next day.........

It was Melia's day off and she can go out on the town by herself as long as Ivana goes with her. Early in the morning Melia got up and made a four batches of cookies. On while Melia was taking the last batch of cookies Celestia walks in the kitchen.

"Don't get a stomach ache after you Ivana eat all that." Celestia says jokingly

"There not for me mom there thank you cookies for some friends of mine." Melia says putting the last of cookies in the basket.

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