Chapter 14: Cryus

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Last thing I remember was my voice saying I'll find you again I promise. I don't know who I was talking to I can't remember. When I woke up there it was bright light.

"Congratulations it a boy. What you like to name him?"

"Cyrus now get that thing out my sight." The woman spoke

Someone comes through the door yell drunk. "Hey! Women what hell is the meaning of this shit! You gonna give him a dumb name like Cyrus!" It was man

"I don't see you caring about it now leave me alone I need a smoke." The woman said

"What hell!" The man said

"Sir if you're the father I need both you and the mother to sign the birth certificate."

"Ugh give me that damn paper!" The man said

I learned fast that my "parents" wasn't the best at being parents. Honestly I don't why they even had me. When I was six years old I was taking by social services for two months straight. When I got back they were still the same. My father was drunk almost all the time and can't hold down a job and my mom is always doing drugs that I doubt she even knows who I am most of the time. At ten years old I lost my mom she died from an overdose. My father didn't care one bit she was dead. I didn't know how to feel. She never tried to build a relationship with me but she had her sweet moments. One time she took a full force of my father's abuse. He was so intoxicated that the littlest thing pissed him off.

"YOU DAMN BRAT! WHO TELL YOU ABOUT TALKING BACK TO ME!" Father yelled coming at me with his hands raised

"Hun please he's just a kid I'm sure— ahh" my mom says before being cut off by my dad slapping her

"If you care so much of him being just a kid then you can take his beating for today." Father says dragging her to the other

All I could hear was my mother's screams after that. After my mother's death my father never changed his ways he always just keep drinking and always getting drunk. I still don't know how I'm still alive. The only other family members I have was my cousin Josh and his parents. I wouldn't say I knew how to keep friendly relationships. My father ruined that ideas of having a happy family. So I tried to keep my distance but one day my aunt and uncle decided to adopt me form my father. I was grateful but didn't know how to express it. Josh wasn't too happy at first but eventually he started to treat me like a brother somewhat. He would be nice one day then the next day be my biggest bully. At that's point I didn't care.

High School was hell I wasn't the best student and I get violated with everyone. It wasn't my fault it's just their "Aura" around them had a mocking feel to them and I was right most of time. I call it that's cuz what else could it be, a humanoid shape that's mocks me. It piss me off.

I wasn't gonna go to college but my aunt was sick and she was the next best thing to mom. Her wish was for both me and Josh to go to college. So I went for her. But there was no way they can afford both of our tuition so. I told them to pay for Josh's college tuition in full and I'll just do side jobs. They didn't want to agree to that as it made it seem the care more for their actual son then me but I insisted. Eventually I got mixed up in the underworld activity. I was there information broker. I gave out information of everything and anything. But that took up a lot of time so I didn't have time for classes so I failed a few and had to retake them. To be fair my aunt never said she wants us to graduate just go to college.

Josh is a fuck boy he is was always bring girls over to his dorm like every week. Which didn't bother me since I was always working late anyways. I only gave him one rule and that was to not do anything on my bed. He agreed and was happy I didn't care. But was always telling me you should try and get with a girl or get a girlfriend and giving me relationship advice. I don't ever want to get into a relationship as I can see people's true intentions.

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