Chapter 6: The Engagement

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The first part of my revenge was to get in the Queens good graces again. I wrote a fake letter pretending to noble who requested that his son to have an arranged marriage between me the fake noble's son and Princess Melia. To be fair I know the stupid letter wouldn't work, I just need something to get close enough to the Queen before the real plan begins. Of course the Queen read the letter and obviously rejected the offer, she was gonna to have me leave until I said his name my name the name she erased from the kingdom.

"Sorry but I must decline. As you know Melia is my only daughter and she deserves to be free and chose who she loves and wants to marry if she wants that at all, tell your father that—" Celestia says before I cut her off

"If I may be so bold to ask would you like to see your son Mika again?" I say confidently with a smirk

" What dose my son have to do with this arrangement?"  Celestia says slightly angry tone

" Ahh excuse my rudeness I meant know harm. My father is a very skilled Angel you see (lies that how it all began so what's a few more, you can't even recognize your own son while he's standing right in front of you.) he's been researching ways to bring angles back here after being sealed to human vessels. At first it was a way so he can bring his beloved wife back to his side, but he really did it to make you the Queen happy. Eventually he discovered how but it's has its side effects, but he's dedicated to his research. He says if you agree to letting me marry your daughter he will bring Mika back here and his black wings will turn white once again." I said to her knowing she can't refuse.

"I—I— I accept your offer. But please take care of Melia she all I have right now." Celestia says with a worried looked before I reassure her

"Don't you worry I'll protect her at all costs. She get nothing but love and protection from me." I say smiling as we shake hands. While we was setting terms of the arrangement Melia walks in happy and carefree as always it's makes me sick.

Meanwhile Melia.........

"Ohh shut up I'll see you guys later." I say to Ivana and Crimson before leaving

On my way home I stopped by my favorite spot in the kingdom, it's a flower field it's helps me clear my head and come up with new and fun ideas to plan out later with the gang. I laid there for a few minutes before I decided to to got home. When I got there the guards that are normally out front welcoming guests wasn't there. I thought it was strange but that probably means we have guest here. I paid it no mind, I want to speak with my mother about Crimson she doesn't know about him and it be kinda dumb to do anything rash without my mom's approval of him. Although the thought of what I do if she doesn't approve of him rushes my head, but I shook the thought out my head. When I walked into my mom's meeting room I saw the most beautiful Angel, but something felt off about him. He had dirty blonde hair with red eyes too go with and his wings wasn't completely white they had a gray tint to them. So I spoke but my mom ignored my question and pretended I wasn't there it made me mad.

"And there she is, Melia where have you been?" Mother asked me smiling

" I was out with Ivana. So umm Mom who is he?" I asks

"Oh she a bit of a trouble maker but she a good girl it might be hard to keep her in line." Mom says ignoring my questions

" Ah yes I'll be fine. Anyways Melia about your question let me introduce myself My name is Octavius I'm the son of the noble Archangel in the house of diamonds. I heard so much about you from your mother. If I'm completely being honest with you I'm your future husband we have been arranged to be married. It's nice to finally meet my bride to be." Octavius says with a smile one that seems off somehow

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