Chaper 2: The Cruel and Cold Hearted Crimson

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Two days earlier......

"We cant just sit around and get our ass kicked by our rivals we should change in there and bet the shit out of them!" One gang member yells in anger

"Crimson this not a game you cant just sit around and do nothing if virg-" right hand man gets cut off as Crimson holds a knife to his throat.

"If you ever mention that name to me again I'll wont hesitate to kill you Kuzma." Crimson says hostility toward Kuzma

"Thats going to be your downfall one of these days" Kuzma mumbles

"What the hell just say!" Crimson growls at Kuzma

"Oh nothing just that one of these days your going to be overthrown and I'll laugh my ass off when that happens" Kuzma says smirking

"Your on thin ice Kuzma this is your final warning!" Crimson yells

Kuzma scoffs at Crimson and walks towards a small boxs picks it up and takes to Crimson.

"Here." Kuzma says handing the box to Crimson

"What is this for?" Crimson says taking the box

"Its has the stuff you wanted to get from the rival gang." Kuzma says

"Oh right take it to the lower ranked thugs it's for those weaklings." Crimson says throwing it on the floor

"Who are you calling weak asshole!" One lower thug says trying to attack Crimson

"Shut up you underling!" Crimson says while grabbing a gun and shots the thug in the head kill him instantly.

The others lower ranked thugs got scared and backed off from Crimson and open the box which had a variety of different weapons.

"Choose one I don't care which one this is your new weapons your going to need for the next fight." Crimson says walking away

"Wait were are you going" Kuzma says running after Crimson

"I'm going for a walk do wait up for me and your in charge Kuzma so don't blow it" Crimson says leaving his hideout

"Yeah whatever" Kuzma says

Crimson went for a walk he reached the abandoned park he sat on the grass and look at bright blue sky deep in thought then he heard voices he turned and saw two angels that were holding hands and talking about the princess and queen of Levita. Crimson smirked as he got a idea. He ran back to the hideout. Everyone look at Crimson as he walks in smile and push Kuzma off his chair and sat down.

"What the hell was that for!" Kuzma yells getting off the floor

"Ohh nothing I just got the best idea ever to take us to the top." Crimson says smirking

"And that is?" Kuzma asked

"Let's kidnap the princess of Levita" Crimson says

"Are your crazy she impossible to even get close to and how that's going to help us get to the top!?" Kuzma says

"I just over heard that our little princess Melia sneaks out of the castle at night all the time we just have catch her off guard and her being missing will cause chaos it be our chance to step up and show were not weak." Crimson says

"Crimson your crazy but your plan just might work." Kuzma says walking away

"Where you going?" Crimson asked

"If we're going through with your plan we're going to need more tools. I'll be back." Kuzma says smirking.

The next day..............

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