Broken Bridges

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Jungkook's POV

The lunch was finally over. It was super awkward. No one spoke on little peep and Lisa was just watching me with this sorry look. Really weird since she left me depressed so calmly.

I was watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S when my phone rang. It was Lisa! I didn't bother deleting her number. "What do you want Lisa?" "Kook, I wanna talk. Can we meet at that tteokbokki place?" She said softly "And why would I?" I responded in an annoying tone "Kook please" She pleaded "Fine. Tomorrow at 12" "Thank you"

The next day

"Kook, I'm sorry" "For what exactly? Stealing my best friend? Stomping on my heart and leaving me depressed for a month?" I said glaring at her "Everything. Can we just mend our bridges and start fresh?" "We can't fix our "bridge", you burned it down and left me in it" "Okay, now hold on there. I'm trying to apologise. Can you just stop being acting like a child and just accept it?" She said getting a bit irritated "Now you can add calling me a child to your list of apologies" I said under my breath "Lisa, you can't just walk back into my life and say sorry for leaving me and taking my best friend!" "You know what Kook? I was trying to be nice, but you seem heartbroken about Tae more than me. I just wanted to say sorry and ask for a fresh start. But no, you're too stubborn. And instead of being so depressed over your best friend, actually try to make a move on Chae, okay" She said angrily. She then stomped super pissed.

I felt super bad but also angry. On the one side, I felt bad that I didn't let Lisa apologise and on the other hand, she called me a stubborn child! This is just so confusing.

I layed on my bed contemplating what I should do. "Chae!" I exclaimed.

I grabbed my jacket and drove to her house. I knocked on the door and the most beautiful woman in the world opened. No focus Jeon, you're not here for that.

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