Episode 3

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Java: last time on Funkin battle, the contestants had to climb the rockwall, most of them did it first try while others took their time, however, Amy got a little sidetracked and got launched into the snowy mountains where she almost died by the corpse that lives there and their pikachu, in the end, the Sussybakas lost again and green imposter was sent packing home, who will lose the next challenge, who will fall, find out tonight on.....FUNKIN.....BATTLE!!!

Orchid: Amy, are you ok?

Amy: no, I couldn't sleep tonight after having a near death experience with some guy named red.

Ellie: are you talking about red imposter or a different red.

Amy: a different red.

Ellie: ah, alright then.

Orchid: well, maybe you should sleep in, you are very tired.

Amy: alright then, remind us if we either win or lose the challenge please.

Orchid: ok.

(*once everyone else got to the challenge area*)

Java: welcome to the challenge area, hold on, wheres amy?

Orchid: she couldn't sleep yesterday, so she decided to sleep in for today.

Java: oh, well, ok, I was gonna have two people sit out from your team and Mario pleeeeeease!!! since the sussybakas have five members left, who else will sit out.

Jeffy: I'll sit out.

Mini: same here, I know that I might be voted off if I don't.

Black Yoshi: I'll sit out too.

Java: ok, but, there's a new rule this season because people got mad at it.

Black Yoshi: what is it?

Java: that is that there will be no more automatic safety for anybody that sits out, so anybody who sits out will have to hope that their team wins or they would possibly be eliminated.

Mini: fuck.

Java: anyways, this challenge is a obstacle course with five obstacles, the first is a kickstart where you'll be launched from the kick of the machine, then, you'll have to avoid cannonballs, after that, you gotta make it past the rolling logs, then, you have to bounce across some giant red rubber balls, and finally is the grand slam, where the last teammate going here will have to land in the glove to count their team as safe, last person to do so will make themselves and their team up for elimination, and, to add a little flair, you all have to wear bug eyed glasses, so, take a pair and be prepared to strategize who's going up.

(*after everyone took a pair and strategized*)

Java: ok, times up, Mario pleeeeeease!!! what's your order.

Junior: easy, it's Reginald, then me, then Britknee, Armaros, and Sasha.

Java: ok, Hailskys 2.0, whats your order.

Nusky: our order is ellie, orchid, me, faker sky, and bosip.

Java: ok, and finally, Sussybakas, what's your order?

Mighty.ZIP: it's ash, me, ava, black imposter, and finally, Sonic.EXE.

Java: alright then, everyone get to your spots.

(*after everyone got to their spots*)

Java: ok, to keep track of who's moving and who isnt, you'll be passing a baton with your team, Mario pleeeeeease!!! you will be passing around a Mario plushie, Hailskys, you'll be passing around a gray cotton candy plushie, and Sussybakas, you'll be passing around a purple among us plushie.

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