Episode 18 (Real Ending)

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Java: last time on Funkin battle, the contestants had to go treasure hunting for their keys to their chests, some managed to get some useful rewards, while others got useless ones, while one got none, faker Sky went ballistic on Nusky and exe that she showed her true colors, unfortunately for her, she didn't last long as she was voted out, however, Sasha won the challenge and she chose exe to be eliminated, leading for his exit, we're down to the final two and now that leads the question, who will win, who will lose, find out tonight on.....FUNKIN.....BATTLE!!!

Sasha: don't get high hopes of winning Nusky, because I am winning this season wether you like it or not.

Nusky: look, I already know you're gonna win, but I just came here to at least try to win!

Sasha: well, that's too bad, because you'll be losing tonight.


(*after Nusky and Sasha exited their cabin*)

Java: Nusky, Sasha, you both have made it to the finale, all I have to say to you guys is congratulations for making it this far.

Nusky: thanks java.

Java: now, let's get to the challenge, in the vehicle.

(*after they got to the challenge*)

Java: welcome to the arena, where your final challenge is taking place at.

Nusky: wow, this is big!

Java: yep, over here on the right is the eliminated contestants which are as follows, red, mini, Jeffy, black Yoshi, Junior, Reginald, ellie, green, Ava, Britknee, ash, black, mighty, Amy, Bosip, Armaros, orchid, faker sky, and exe.

Amy: hi nusky!

Nusky: hey Amy.

Java: over here on the left is the challenge demonstrators and the contestants from season one to season three who showed up this season.

Sky: go nusky!

Nusky: thanks.

Java: and up ahead in front of you is two podiums, the top is mine and the co hosts, while below or holds your friends, Sasha, your friends Anne and Marcy are here to watch you win.

Marcy: go Sash!

Sasha: thanks Marcy.

Java: and nusky, we brought skyblue here to watch you win.

Skyblue: you got this nusky, kick her ass in the final challenge!

Java: ok, now let me explain how this'll work, you both have a hour to grab supplies to make a fighting weapon and armor, you're gonna have to pin the opponent down for three seconds, if you managed to do it, you'll win the season, now, start grabbing!

(*a hour later*)

Java: ok, times up girls, time to fight!

Sasha: do you really think youll win, you don't even have a weapon, or even armor, all you have is a dumb briefcase.

Nusky: that's where you're wrong.

(*nusky kicks the briefcase and it activates a robot suit that puts her inside*)

Robot Suit Nusky: now come at me!

Sasha: with pleasure!

(*sasha rushes at Nusky and they start fighting*)

(*thirty minutes later*)

Sasha: just give up, I'm already winning against you!

(*the robot suit explodes launching Nusky onto the ground*)

Red Parasite: hehe, kaboom!

Sasha: well look here, your suit is gone, guess that's means I win by default.

(*sasha tackles Nusky to the ground*)


Sasha: haha, yes!

(*at the dock*)

Java: Sasha, to the winner go the spoils, one million dollars as promised for whoever won the season.

(*java gives Sasha the briefcase and Sasha takes it and walks to the boat*)

Anne: so Sasha, what are you gonna use that money for.

Sasha: well, I wanna split it three ways between me, you, and Marcy.

Marcy: really!

Sasha: yep.

(*marcy and Anne hug sasha with sasha hugging back*)

Marcy: thank you.

Anne: wait, but what about the one Penny that you'll have?

Sasha: Nusky, you can have that.

Nusky: really?

Sasha: yeah, I mean, you fought hard and you were one of the finalists here, along with me.

Nusky: I mean, it's not much, but, I'll take what I can get.

(*everyone gets on the boat and the boat drives off*)

Java: well, that's it for this season, but as they always say, always go out with a bang.

(*Java presses a button but the planks under him explode, sending him up*)

(*the contestants cheer*)

(*java hits the water*)

Java: what the heck!

(*sun smiles with malicious intent of what he did*)

Java: sun!

(*java sighs*)

Java: well, it's fine, I'm java, and this has been.....FUNKIN.....BATTLE!!!

(*police sirens are heard*)

Java: what the fuck!

Police Officer: JavaCoded, you are under arrested for putting twenty one contestants on a toxic waste filled camp and turning the camp into a toxic waste dump site, you are coming with us!

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