Episode 13

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Java: last time on Funkin battle, the contestants had to do a challenge of endurance and skill in our say uncle challenge, most contestants managed to complete it while the others failed, in the end, Bosip managed to win against Molotov the bear in a log rolling challenge, black imposter was sent home, however, he tried to attack me to steal the prize money, me and the other co hosts managed to stop him and he was sent flying, who will lose the next challenge, who will fall, find out tonight on.....FUNKIN.....BATTLE!!!

Sasha: well, it was a good thing we got rid of him.

Orchid: yeah, he was a bit creepy for how little he talked.

Faker Sky: eh, I knew he could talk.

Orchid: how did you know faker sky?

Faker Sky: because I'm a faker, I have powers beyond any regular human.

Orchid: ohhhhh, ok, that makes sense.


(*after everyone got out of their cabins*)

Java: hello campers.

Amy: hello java, what's today's challenge?

Java: todays challenge is a snowball fight.

Armaros: hold on, snowballs, but it's sunny out here.

Java: well, for tonight, we're going to the mountains to play it, so everyone, get in the hurl of shame.

(*after everyone got in the hurl of shame*)

Java: ok, just gotta aim it towards the mountain.

(*java aims it towards the mountain*)

Java: I'll see you all there!

(*java activates it and it flings the contestants to the mountain with them screaming*)

(*at the mountain*)

(*the contestants land in the snow*)

Amy: this mountain again!

Bosip: wait, you had a encountered with this mountain before Amy?

Amy: yeah, some guy that was dead had a pikachu that was also dead almost killed me!

Faker Sky: jeez, you must've had hypothermia.

Amy: I'm serious!

(*java appears*)

Java: ok, so how this will work is simple, you all with have ten minutes to build a good snow fort, then, you'll have two minutes to load up with snowballs, and after that, the battle will begin, where the last team to either have a person or people standing will win safety for their team, while the losers will send somebody home, anyways, the time to build a snow fort starts now!

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