Episode 5

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Java: last time on Funkin battle, the contestants went on a scavenger hunt for three creepy souvenirs, some were lost along the way at the cave, with them being captured by the "giant mutant spider", in the end, the spider turned out to be mommy long legs, and jeffy was sent packing home, who will lose the next challenge, who will fall, find out tonight on.....FUNKIN.....BATTLE!!!

Black Yoshi: with jeffy gone, we have a higher chance of winning the challenges.

Sasha: maybe, we might lose the next challenge.

Black Yoshi: who knows, let's just sleep.

(*the next day*)


(*after everyone got to the dock*)

Java: welcome to the challenge, so, I brought a challenge demonstrator here, and her name is Sky!

Java: welcome to the challenge, so, I brought a challenge demonstrator here, and her name is Sky!

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Sky: let's do this java, the contract only says "demonstrate challenge only."

Java: alright, so, Sky, please demonstrate the challenge for these newbies.

Sky: ok, so, you have to grab water skis from underwater, after that, you then get into your teams boat and try to blow up water mines with your cannon, your cannon only has six shots so if you run out, you gotta go back to java to get more, once you blow up the four water mines of your team color, race to the buoy and whichever two teams reach their first will be safe from elimination tonight, if you're the last team to make it, you will face elimination where one of you will take the hurl of shame.

Java: thank you for demonstrating Sky.

Sky: anytime java.

Java: now, choose a player who's going to grab the water skis, you guys got five minutes to choose, time starts now!

(*5 minutes later*)

Java: times up, who did you guys choose.

Britknee: we chose Junior.

Ellie: we chose Nusky.

Mighty.ZIP: we chose Sonic.EXE.

Java: alright, be prepared to jump in jumpees.

(*after the jumpees got ready*)

Java: ok, the challenge begins NOW!

(*the jumpees jump in*)

(*a few minutes later*)

(*sonic.EXE manages to get up from the water and grabbed the water skis*)

Sonic.EXE: I got it.

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