Episode 16

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Java: last time on Funkin battle, the contestants were originally planned to do a air race around the camp, until the challenge demonstrater, skeebo, went rogue and kicked me and the other co hosts off the blimp, then they had to stop him, it looked like faker sky was gonna win but orchid took the win from her in a instant, in the end, skeebo got the flung, and Armaros also got the flung too, who will win the next challenge, who will fall, find out tonight on.....FUNKIN.....BATTLE!!!

Orchid: Nusky?

Nusky: huh?

Orchid: listen, you seem very worried about faker Sky, can you just tell me what's wrong with her?

Nusky: ok.

(*Nusky quickly looks around to see if she was there*)

Nusky: ok, she isn't, listen, she is basically a sky that wants to murder other skys, all I know is that she killed most of my friends, my girlfriend, and my little cousin, ski.

Orchid: wait what!

Nusky: I've been trying my hardest to get her out, I was even planning on telling Armaros about it but she came in at the right time and she thought she swiped the win from me.

Orchid: well, we need to get her out now!

Nusky: but orchid, it's just us two, she can easily convince Sasha to vote one of us, and I think exe to vote me, since you're in a alliance with him.

Orchid: look, after the challenge, I promise you that'll tell exe to vote faker Sky for tonight.

Nusky: really?

Orchid: yes.

(*Nusky hugs orchid with orchid hugging back*)

Nusky: thank you.


(*after everyone got out of their cabins*)

Java: hi guys.

Orchid: hey java, what's today's challenge?

Java: todays challenge is gonna be a hunting challenge, in this bucket I have, you'll have to hunt one of these animals, whoever brings it to the elimination zone and puts that animal in its cage first will win invincibility tonight, now, everyone grab a card.

(*everyone grabs a card*)

Sonic.EXE: well, what did you guys get?

Nusky: I got chipmunk.

Orchid: I got duck.

Sasha: raccoon.

Sonic.EXE: ok, I got frog, what did you get faker Sky?

Faker Sky: a fucking bear.

Nusky: damn, that must suck for you.

Faker Sky: shut up Nusky.

Java: ok, you guys have ten minutes to grab the supplies you'll need to capture your animal, get starting!

(*10 minutes later*)

Java: ok campers, time is up, get hunting.

(*a hour later*)

(*java was sitting, waiting for one of the campers to make it*)

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