Episode 6

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Java: last time on Funkin battle, the contestants had a boat race while trying to destroy some water mines, most people got a direct hit while others got unlucky during the challenge, in the end, Mario pleeeeeease!!! lost once again and black Yoshi took the hurl of shame, who will lose the next challenge, who will fall, find out tonight on.....FUNKIN.....BATTLE!!!

Sonic.EXE: this is great, if we keep on winning, we won't have to eliminate another player, those last two were just slowing us down.

Mighty.ZIP: yep, we just gotta watch out in case if anybody sabotages us.

Sonic.EXE: yep, anyways, we should get to sleep.

(*the next day*)


(*after everyone got to the stage*)

Java: welcome campers to the stage, so, for this challenge, you're all gonna do a fashion show, you choose one player on your team to do the challenge and the rest of your team has two hours to make the costume they're wearing, whoever has the most points from zero to fifty wins, with me and the co hosts being judges.

Ava: hang on, so if the scores are from zero to ten, then with you guys, that only equals to forty, so why is it zero to fifty?

Java: well, tonight's special guest for todays challenge is Sayori!

Java: well, tonight's special guest for todays challenge is Sayori!

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Sayori: hi guys!

Any: hello Sayori!

Java: now, you guys got five minutes to choose who is going to wear the outfit your team will make, time starts now.

(*5 minutes later*)

Java: times up campers, who did you choose?

Junior: we chose Britknee.

Bosip: we chose orchid.

Mighty.ZIP: we chose Ava.

Java: ok, ava, orchid, and Britknee, stay with me, the rest of you, get to making the outfit, your two hours start now!

(*two hours later*)

Java: ok, the time is up, Britknee, orchid, and Ava, go to the back of the curtain and when I call your name, you come out wearing what your team made for you during those two hours.

Britknee: alright then.

(*orchid, Britknee, and Ava go behind the curtain to change into the outfit*)

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