Episode 11

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Java: last time on Funkin battle, the campers had to stay awake for as long as they can, most fell asleep early while others were stubborn enough to stay up for three entire days, in the end, exe took a snooze on the can, making the Hailskys win, and Britknee was eliminated, however, not long after, she let everyone know her true form and flew off into the moonlight, who will lose the next challenge, who will fall, find out tonight on.....FUNKIN.....BATTLE!!!

Bosip: well, final eleven, we're doing good so far ash.

Ash: yep, we might be able to make it to the finale, that'll make Bob and Blu proud.

Bosip: yep.


(*after everyone exited their cabins*)

Java: hello campers.

Orchid: hey java, what's today's challenge?

Java: todays challenge is gonna be a game of hide and seek, here's the deal, I will choose two seekers from Hailskys and three seekers from Sussybakas, those seekers will need to be seeking out for the other contestants, once the seekers on the other team find where your team members are, they'll need to tag them in order for them to be confirmed out, once you do get tagged, the seeker must report you back to me to also confirm your out, the team with the last person or people standing will win invincibility for their team, while the losers will be sending someone home tonight, now, the seekers are gonna be Mighty.ZIP and Ash for hailskys, and Black Imposter, Sonic.EXE, and Faker Sky for Sussybakas.

Faker Sky: alright then.

Sonic.EXE: I was made for this type of challenge.

Mighty.ZIP: same here man.

Java: for the rest of you, I'll give you a ten minute head start to hide, so, I recommend you start hiding right now!

(*everyone except the seekers run off to hide*)

(*10 minutes later*)

Java: ok seekers, the head start is up, you all can start searching, oh, and exe and zip, no teleporting to catch the hiders, as it is very unfair.

Mighty.ZIP: alright then.

Sonic.EXE: fine.

(*the seekers run off to find the hiders*)

(*after the challenge*)

Java: and, the Sussybakas win another challenge, I'll be seeing the Hailskys at the elimination ceremony tonight.

(*at night*)

Java: ok, you all know the deal, get to voting.

(*after everyone voted*)

Java: ok, just remember, if you get the toxic marshmallow of loserville, you are eliminated, and, to prevent anyone from flying off like last time, we added a invisible barrier everywhere around the camp that will shock all flyers when they try to fly, well, everywhere except for the hurl of shame.

Ash: alright then, not like most of us can fly anyways.

Java: yeah, anyways, safe with zero votes are Amy, Nusky, and Bosip.

(*Java tosses a regular marshmallow to Amy, Nusky, and Bosip*)

Java: which leaves the seekers, aka, ash and mighty.ZIP on the chopping block.

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