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Even though I had been feeling better than I was the night before, I decided to ditch the party and go home. Of course, I didn't tell anyone. There really was nobody to tell. Cartman was asleep, and Kenny and Stan were nowhere to be found. The walk home was shatteringly cold, as usual, but I needed it. It helped me think.

My house was empty when I arrived. I assumed that my family was out running errands, which was fine. I went to my bedroom, hoping to lay down and relax for awhile, but I stopped upon seeing a stack of photos of me and my friends laying on my bed.
Yeah, I almost forgot that I had those printed. All of them were from elementary school. We were now middle schoolers, and time had changed so much more than I thought it would. I sat down to give the pictures a look.

Not surprisingly, a lot of them were either of Stan and I together or Cartman and I arguing. I longed for the times when I wasn't confused on how Cartman should make me feel.

That next monday, we all met by the bus stop, as usual. Secretly, I'd hoped that it had all been a dream, and that it'd be back to normal. Cartman would be back to hating me, and I could revert back to hating him. Unfortunately, that's not at all what happened.

"Kahl!" Cartman said, walking up to Kenny, Stan, and I. "Get over here."
He pulled me into a hug. Despite it being cold, he was just as warm as he had been when we napped together.

"H-hi, Cartman." I said, a little flustered.
"You can call me by my name, Kahl. We're close enough for that, right?"
Now, I was really flustered.
"Eh." I said, trying to blow it off.

The bus pulled up, and Cartman and I sat with eachother. He had his arm around me again, and as comfortable as I was, I was nervous at the same time. People were watching and whispering. Gay couples weren't super uncommon at our school, Craig and Tweek had been an item for as long as I could remember, but I doubt that people expected us. I mean, we'd been enemies forever. Even I was confused, but I reminded myself that we were just pretending, so I had no reason to be confused.

We were seperated until lunch. It was a welcome break from the stress of class and my peers poking away with questions about my relationship with Cartman. The rest of the time before the dance, almost three weeks, would not be easy if it kept up like this.

Cartman and I sat next to eachother, and he shared the slurpee he somehow obtained with me.
"Is it good, Kahl? I thought you'd like the blue raspberry. Wasn't sure, though." He said, actually almost sounding like he genuinely cared.
"Yeah, it's good. Don't worry." I responded, trying my hardest not to sound sarcastic.

Wendy came by, and gave us a big smile. "Awh, you guys are so cute! Are you dating?"
Cartman scowled, the first time I'd seen him look like his normal self in awhile.
"Screw off, Wendy. Nobody asked you. Booooo, Wendy."
Her smile quickly dissipated. "Gosh, Kyle. I don't know how you put up with him, He's so immature." Wendy sighed.
I don't know how I put up with him either, Wendy.

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