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The next morning, I woke up with a pounding migraine and a pain in my chest. I looked out my window only to realize it was late afternoon instead of early morning- but I still had school that day.
My headache only worsened thinking of the drama that could be taking place at school. I knew that Stan and Kenny wouldn't be talking, and Cartman wouldn't have any reason to speak with either of them, not to mention that he would probably start bullying Tweek now, and Tweek wouldn't have Craig to protect him.
I let out a groan, and tried to push those thoughts out of my head as I left my bed to get food.
My mom was on the couch, watching tv with Ike.
"Mom?" I began. "I'm way late for school- why didn't you wake me up?"
"Oh, bubby, you came home so late, and you looked absolutely wretched in bed. I couldn't let you go to school like that." She said, sounding very concerned. "Anyways, how was that dance last night? Did you and Eric have fun?"
I tried not to groan more. "It didn't go as well as we had expected. Too much drama."
Although my mom knew that we were dating, it really was new to her, so I knew she wouldn't take very well to us... splitting up so soon. I tried to keep it as vague as possible.
"Aw, I'm sorry. It'll work out eventually."
I could only hope that was the truth.

Walking in the kitchen, I realized that I wasn't even that hungry, despite not having eaten since yesterday morning. I filled a glass with ice water and went back to my room.
My bed felt so inviting. I honestly can't remember the last time I had just wanted to lay in bed and mope around.

Well, actually, I can. It was when Kenny died, and we all really thought he was gone. Current me would have a hard time being upset about this, but those were different times.

I sighed again. Of course those were different times- everything is different now. Nothing is as it was all those years ago, a year ago, a month ago, hell, even a couple of days ago everything was different. It's scary to think how everything changed so quickly. Nothing seemed impossible.

I took a drink of water with shaking hands, trying to clear my thoughts a little bit. Soon enough, I watched kids pile out of a school bus and onto the sidewalk. Kenny was not one of them, and neither was Craig. Stan took a very long time getting off of the bus, and he walked with a slouch.
Cartman wasn't there either.

Still not ready to speak with Cartman, I shot Stan a message. I was more worried about him anyways.

K: Stan, are you okay?? Did anything happen at school today??

He didn't respond.

S: i got into a fight with craig and now i'm suspended
K: wHy the FUCK did you try to fight craig
S: you know why
K: yeah but you had to have been aware that you'd get hurt? are you okay?
S: it didn't fucking matter because it can't hurt much more physically than i hurt in my heart right now.
K: i'm really sorry about what happened with you and kenny and i feel your pain right now but you have to be safe
S: whatever

I stopped texting him there, knowing that I was probably just pouring salt in the wound.
Stan was suspended, probably into the next year, and his parents would probably ground him for it during the beginning of summer. I felt like crying knowing that he would probably be tempted to hurt himself during that time, given that he's always struggled with depression. Although my situation was pretty bad, Stan definitely had it the worst.
That feeling got worse knowing that for the last two days of school, I'd be alone. Stan would not be there for me. Cartman would not be there for me. Kenny wouldn't be there for me either, not that I would want him around anyways.
I sighed, feeling myself fall back asleep.
Tomorrow would be a new day, but was anything to change?

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