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I left Eric's house that night around 7:30 because we still (unfortunately) had school the next day, and I had something I wanted to check on... or someone, rather. Even though Eric's idea of Kenny and Stan having a secret relationship was pretty fucking stupid, curiosity got the best of me. I made my way down to Stan's house, but was turned away at the door.
"Sorry Kyle, but Stan's been at Kenny's house since school let out. I thought you and your other friend would've been with him." Mr. Marsh said, sounding just as confused as I felt.
I told him that it was fine and I walked off.
Of course, I was going to Kenny's house next, which wasn't really all that great.
His neighborhood wasn't necessarily the safest, and it was getting dark. It always reminded me of how bad Kenny actually had it, and I always felt bad about it. Really, I was surprised that Stan was even willing to stay at Kenny's house this late, even if they were- well, you know.
As I arrived, I called Stan's cell phone, because Kenny likely wouldn't have answered, and he wouldn't have actually spoken with me anyways.

After a few rings, I got an anwser.

"H-Hey, Kyle." Stan said, sounding out of breath.

"Hey, where are you at, dude? I've been looking for you basically all day."

"I'm at- um- my house. Yeah."

I groaned. "God, Stan, no you aren't. You're at Kenny's house. I know because I'm sitting on his porch right now. Can you come outside for awhile?"

"Um-" There was a pause, signaling to me that Stan was probably reasoning with Kenny. "I guess."

Stan came out 10 minutes later, looking rather disheveled. I didn't hold back.
"Dude, what the fuck is going on with you and Kenny?"
He just rolled his eyes. "I don't know what you're talking about, Kyle."
"YES! Yes you do, Stan. I can never reach you, you and Kenny always disappear mysteriously when we hang out, and somehow you're here waaay later than you ever would be, especially on a fucking school night."
Stan groaned, crossing his arms, and suddenly refusing to look me in the eye. "I can't tell you. Sorry, Kyle."

I couldn't contain myself. Stan almost never lied to me or kept secrets. What was his fucking problem? We were supposed to be best friends.

"FINE, STAN! DON'T FUCKING TELL ME. I DON'T CARE. PARDON ME FOR GIVING A SHIT!" I screamed, turning around to leave.

"Kyle, don't go." Stan said, softening his tone of voice. "Kenny and I are- well, um, he was curious about guys and he wanted to experiment a little bit."
I paused to turn around and face him. Something about this was unbelievable.
"I, um, let him. I mean, he's adorable. He makes it really easy to get a crush on him. I thought it was just a one time thing, you know? But Kenny liked it too much. So, yeah. There. You can't tell anyone."

I was too busy trying to take it all in to
even think of telling anyone. Stan was so innocent, and he just let Kenny use him like that. I didn't know who to be more upset at, Stan for being so easily manipulated, or Kenny for manipulating Stan so badly.

"So, what? Do you love him?" I asked, trying not to let any more anger rise in my voice.

Stan shook his head. "Y-yes. I'd call it that."

I rolled my eyes, practically shaking with anger. Before turning around and walking off, I grumbled "Fine. Don't let Kenny hurt you."

"Kyle, wait, where are you going?" Stan cried, a hurt tone present in his voice. I didn't feel any need to respond. Why should I? I already got my answers. He knew how I felt.
I got home that evening at around 9:00 and immediately set up a Skype call with Eric.
He answered promptly, although he appeared to have been sleeping before he picked up. Before he could say anything, I spilled the whole story, despite Stan telling me not to. I had to get that off of my chest, and besides, we were dating. I couldn't keep secrets from him like Stan had from me.
"Wow. I can't fucking believe this, dude. Kenny is ridiculous. He probably doesn't even love Stan, he just wants to fuck him all the goddamn time, and Stan cares too much to stop him."

I sighed a breath of relief. "Yes! My thoughts exactly. Kenny had better treat Stan right. Oh, and you can't tell anyone. I only told you because I felt like I needed to, I mean, we're dating, and you're part of the friend group, so..."
Eric nodded. "Yeah. It's time for us to hang up, I think. We still have school tomorrow, and you look like you need the rest."
He did have a point. "Alright. Goodnight. I love you!"
"I love you too."
And then we hung up.
I didn't sleep for a long while, for I was too busy lying awake, wondering if Stan would ever get an 'I love you' from Kenny.

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