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I woke up to the sound of a constantly buzzing phone. Pleasant.
I groaned, not having slept very well that night and not wanting to be bothered first thing in the damn morning.
Even worse, the messages were from Kenny and Craig. Of course, Kenny was my first priority, given that Stan wouldn't be able to deal with him for god knows how long. I read his first.

kenny: hey
kenny: i hope you know that i'm not interested in stan and i NEVER will be
kenny: actually honestly i never was
kenny: all we were was a few quick fucks
kenny: i thought he was down for that but he read it as somethin else and that's not my fault so don't fuckin treat me like i'm the devil
kenny: we can still be friends. i want that. nothing more

I felt myself get physically angry reading those messages, and I let it reflect in my response.

kyle: Kenny, if you think that Stan, Eric or I will EVER be so much as POLITE ACQUAINTANCES with you ever again, you are sorely fucking mistaken.
kyle: STAN LOVED YOU. Even if it was just one or two 'quick fucks' for you, it was more to him and you could have at least had the decency AS THE FRIEND THAT YOU THINK YOU ARE to let him down nicely.
kyle: Also, stay off the drugs. You already know how bad that shit is, especially for you.

He never responded. I debated on if I had ever really wanted him to or not, and couldn't come to a conclusion.
I then approached the task of reading and responding to Craig's texts.

C: I'm not sorry for what happened on the night of the dance.
K: You say it like I'd forgive you if you were.
C: Whatever. Anyways, Kenny and I are getting out of town and we'll be gone all summer so we'll be out of your hair.
K: What the fuck you mean you're getting out of town? You guys will be alone all summer?
C: Yeah. We'll be out of state all summer. Alone. And don't try to find us- we'll constantly be moving.
K: What the fuck? How'd you get this to fly anyways? Your parents are fine with this?
C: You say it like anyone cares.

I groaned, throwing the phone on the floor. Why the hell were they doing this? Who did they think they were? This isn't a fucking indie movie- shit like this doesn't work out in real life!

My whole body shook- I grabbed the pillow I had been laying on and threw it against the wall. I ran at it, kicking, punching it, throwing it at windows and walls and dressers, even screaming a little bit. Nothing felt real, and as I took my anger out, I really did feel a sort of empowerment. Craig and Kenny didn't mean jack shit to me, and they couldn't do anything to Stan anymore, so who the fuck cared? I didn't- I had my shit under control. I had someone who loved me and kept me sane and he was all I needed.
And sitting down on my bed again, I realized that I should give him a call.


He was still in bed when he answered the call. Actually, he looked like he had almost just woken up if I hadn't woken him up myself.

"Hey babe." Eric said, his speech slow and sleepy. His hair was a mess- such a cute bedhead.
"Hi Eric! You look cute."
He chuckled. "What's going on?"
"Well, It's kind of a long story... but basically Kenny was using Stan the whole time, but what else were we expecting, I guess. He wanted to stay friends and I shot that idea down right away. Craig feels no remorse. Oh, and they'll be travelling all summer. Alone but together."
Eric immediately looked more awake. "You're fuckin' serious? Oh my god, why are they such dicks? Was I ever this bad?"
I exhaled sharply. "Yeah, but damn, at least you changed for the better. They just get worse and worse."
"Well, regardless, they're gone now. No point in worrying about them until the school year comes back around- and who knows, maybe they'll never come back."
I let out a deep breath. "Good fucking riddance."
Eric giggled. "You should come over later. My mom's being really clingy now so I don't think I'll be spending a whole lot of time away from the house for awhile."
I tried not to let my face show how delighted I was that he suggested that. Any time I spent with Eric, no matter where, was good. "Of course! I'll be there around noon?"
He nodded. "See you then."
"I love you!"
"Love you too."

I got up right away and readied myself, not wasting time with breakfast, knowing that Eric would probably have something for me to eat.

After waving goodbye to my parents, I ran down the street at full speed. Even so, I stopped in front of Stan's house and glanced up at his window. I couldn't help feeling like it was my fault that he was in this situation, but there wasn't much I could do. If he wasn't grounded for having gotten suspended, he would have texted me, or maybe even Eric, already. I shook my head, trying to get it out of my head. Stan would have his happy ending someday.
Back on to Eric's house I went.

I knocked on the door and was greeted by Eric's mom.
"Oh, hello Kyle!" She said, a smile on her face. "You're here quite early."
I smiled back, laughing a little.
"Yeah, well, he makes it hard to stay away."
"Aw, alright. Come right in- he's upstairs."
I darted up the stairs, only to find that Eric was still getting dressed.

"Come on, man! You knew I was coming." I laughed, standing in the open doorway. He jumped, as I had obviously startled him, which made me laugh even harder. Eric's face turned to a slight blush, but it soon disappeared as he ran at me and pulled me into a hug.
"Eric, please, you don't even have a shirt on!" I said, trying to sound stern but failing pretty badly.
"So? At least I've got pants on! It's not like you've never seen my junk before-"
He picked me up, princess style and carried me the few feet to his bed, where we sat down next to eachother.
Eric sighed.
"It's crazy to think how much has changed in less than two months."
"Yeah," I agreed, nodding my head in agreement. "I know exactly what you mean."
"Imagine what the Eric and Kyle of a year ago would think if they saw us now!"
I couldn't help but giggle. "They'd be too busy fighting to even notice our presence."


We would go on to spend the next few months of summer together- Not worrying about the petty drama between Kenny, Craig, and Stan.
Stan did eventually get ungrounded, but we never really spoke. He seemed so distant. Besides, Eric and I were inseperable during this time- I doubt that he would have liked to spend time around a couple and be reminded of Kenny and Craig.
It didn't really matter to me though, and I'm sure it didn't to Eric either. Times were changing, and we went with it, even if that meant leaving behind relics of the past.

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