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I slept through the whole afternoon until I woke up the next morning, at the appropriate school time. Luckily, It would be a half day, and so would our last day. How much can happen in three hours, right?

I left the house early and walked to school, knowing that if Cartman had gone to school that day, he'd be there.
So would Kenny, and probably Craig too if they bothered to show up. Not really a situation I was willing to put myself in.

The three hours of school seemed to drag on forever. Hardly anyone spoke to me the whole day, and as predicted, Cartman, Kenny, and Craig were nowhere to be found, and now that I look back on it, Tweek wasn't there either.
Wendy was the only person to really talk to me. She told me that word of the drama last night had somehow spread like fucking wildfire, despite nobody really being around to witness any of it. However, everyone had seen Stan and Craig fight, and that only fuelled the flames. Wendy looked so sad throughout our conversation. She had gotten wrapped up in our drama too- she really cares about Stan, and he no longer accepts her love. She's good for him, but Stan can't seem to see it. He can be so self destructive sometimes, and I know it's not his fault, but it's so hard to watch.

Soon enough, I found that the last day of school had come. I watched the school empty in masses, each and every individual eager to finally be free for the summer. It was bittersweet.
Instead of going home, I had planned to go around the town, shopping, maybe to catch a movie or something. Just something to help me relax a little bit. Instead, I found myself lurking around the school without any motivation to leave. I aimlessly wandered around the school's perimeter, taking it all in and remember the memories made that year.
And then I made it to the back, just outside the gym doors, and there he was.
Eric Cartman.
There he was, leaning his back on the brick wall.
Almost instantly, I felt all of the memories come flooding back. Already I was choking back tears, and he hadn't even said anything to me yet.
Cartman nonchalantly turned his head and looked me in the eye.
"Hey." He said, sounding tired in every way.
"C-cartman, where have you been? I-" I had to stop, now choking on my tears instead of choking them back.
He began to walk towards me.
"So, we're back to that, huh?"
"E-eric, I mean."
Before I knew it, he was so close to me that his body was practically pressed against my own.
"I haven't gone home since the dance."
I gasped. "W...what?"
"I mean, I've got money. I've been at a motel."
That confused me even more. "Eric, why? Oh, god... I'm?"
"I needed distance." He let out a sigh. "My mom knows, it's not like there's a fucking amber alert out for me or anything. She's okay with that. I just needed some time, you know?" He took a deep breath in and out.
"I've been struggling for awhile. Having you in my life helped a lot, but I was still pushing my hurt to the side. There really was no reason or way to get it out, and I guess I thought that it was okay to take it out on you when I thought you were cheating."

"Oh, Eric..." I gasped, feeling the tears slip out. "Y-you don't think I was really cheating... do you?"

He shook his head. "Of course not."

At that point, I couldn't resist it. I lunged towards him, embracing him in a hug. He hugged me back, and I felt my shoulder become wet with his tears.
I started to cry too, finally letting it out.

"I love you, Eric Cartman." I said between heavy breaths.
"I love you too, Kyle Broflovski." Eric chuckled, pulling away. "Let's get off of this damn school property and hit the town, eh?"

And so we did.

The whole evening we spent shopping, dining, laughing- just how we should've spent the evening after the dance.
It was almost like nothing had happened to us at all- we fell back together like pieces of a broken puzzle being put back into place. Eric and I just belong together, for chemistry like that can't be broken.

At the end of the night, we went back to Eric's motel room. It really wasn't too shabby- he had just made a mess of it. We laid down together on the bed, laughing as we spoke about the various knicknacks we bought. There were quite a few of them as well, including some of those cheesy matching "he's mine" sweaters we found at a pride store.

"Kyle," Eric whispered as we lay next to eachother. "I'm really glad I have you back and I promise to never be as stupid as I was at the dance ever again."

I giggled. "You'd better fucking hope not, because I'm not sure I'm willing to deal with all the gossip again."

And we then shared a passionate kiss, our bodies coming closer together until our legs were tangled and we could feel eachother's heartbeats. Just like that, we fell asleep. The best sleep either of us have had in a long time, I'm sure.

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