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We woke up that next morning, our limbs still intertwined and the blankets a mess. The sunlight could hardly shine through the thick motel curtains, so it was pretty dim in the room. Eric was still sleeping away when I woke up. It made sense for him to sleep for so long- generally, from what I had researched during Stan's many fits of depression, people with depression often struggle with sleep. It's basically like insomnia is a side effect of depression.
Careful not to wake him, I untangled myself from Eric and got up.
Once I showered and got dressed, I figured that Eric would probably like breakfast once he woke, so I took what money I had remaining and tried to slip out the door unnoticed, but that didn't work out.
"Kyle, where are you going?"
I turned to see Eric, still in bed, but now awake, sitting up, and rubbing his sleepy eyes. Eric was so effortlessly adorable that he could probably make a Roman gladiator cry tears of joy.
"Well, I was going to try and get breakfast for us..."
He cracked a smile. "Hey, let's go together. It'll be more fun that way, y'know?"
I nodded my agreement.

Eric got ready, but not without help from me. He absolutely insisted that I help him get dressed, which lead me to notice that he was quite bruised- and they weren't just the ones that I had left on his neck the night before, either. They were shades of rancid purple and green- bruises that could only fists could make. I hoped he hadn't hurt himself while we apart, even though I knew that there was nobody else around to do it. Knowing this, I was glad that I was helping, although I'm sure he just wanted to feel my touch.

We walked to a cute little café for breakfast, and I fed Eric a chocolate crepe. It didn't seem like very much for him, but he insisted that he was full.
I ordered myself a crepe as well, and of course, Eric wanted to feed me just as I had fed him.
"Okay! Open up!" He'd say, scooping some up with his fork.
"Eric, you're dropping it, be careful!"
"Oh, come on! Are you fuckin' serious?" Eric laughed a little bit. "How are you so good at this? These things are so messy..."
"It's because I fed Ike for so long! Nothing is without practice." I said, trying not to laugh at his frustration. It was kinda cute.
"Damn." He groaned, throwing the fork down.
I couldn't contain my giggles. "Oh, so you're just gonna leave me to feed myself now?"
Eric groaned some more. "No way am I gonna be able to feed you that thing." He then narrowed his eyes, sticking his tongue out a little. "But I can feed you something else..."

My entire face went red. "E-eric!" We're in public!"

He stood up and pushed in his chair, prompting me to get up as well. Eric laughed. "Hey, I'm just joking."
We held hands as we began to walk out. "Right now, at least." He finished.

I almost got embarrased again, but instead, I chuckled, getting up on my toes to give him a kiss on the cheek, which made him blush this time.
We exchanged 'I love you's and continued on our walk back to the motel, where we packed up and checked out.

Eric dropped me off at my doorstep, and by the time that we were there, the sun had already set on our day
I sighed as we gazed into eachothers eyes, not really wanting to part ways.

"I should get going, babe. My mom probably wants to see me." Eric whispered, a dreamy tone in his voice.
"Yeah." I nodded. Even though I didn't want him to go, I never would, it would only be fair of me to let his mom see him. She was probably pretty worried- who wouldn't be?
He gave me a quick kiss before leaving. I joined my family in the house for a short while, letting them know that I was home again.

Eventually, I wanted some time alone, retreating into my room, plopping down on my bed like I had so many nights before.

The events of the past few days passed through my mind like a poorly made powerpoint presentation- hazy, with very few details, and no real transitions- everything blurred into one.

Thinking about the dance still made me want to vomit- I had yet to hear from Tweek, Craig, Kenny, or Stan. I doubted that we'd ever hear from anyone besides Stan, and it would probably even be a long while before that, what with him having gotten suspended and all. He was probably grounded, as I had expected he would be.

Even so, having Eric in my life again made everything that much better. Being with him could make hell feel bearable. And that's what life had been- hell. But with Eric, I could do anything.

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