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Daniel's first week at J High was more than interesting.

Of course, after the stunt Vin Jin pulled on the first day, Daniel decided it would be better and more convenient if he read up on every student currently studying in the school, that way he knew what to look out for if they were to fight him. Seeing he and Jay stuck to each other like glue, Daniel was more than happy to use Jay as a way to get out of any uncomfortable conversations.

One girl was continuously pursuing him, annoyingly enough.

The girl was Zoe Park, a cute girl with big breasts and bigger eyes, her hair falling around her shoulder in an almost-pear shape. Her words fell out of her lips like honey, sweetened words to make him fall for her and give her a good life with a handsome and rich man.

Sadly for her, Daniel only had eyes for Jay, who constantly huffed when she came around. Yet as much as Daniel would love to keep Jay happy, he thinks having other people around would be more beneficial.

This began his subtle quest of finding other friends.

Daniel had asked his teacher for his class' student list and sat down one sleepless night to eliminate anyone he thought unbefitting of befriending him.

Immediately, people like Doo Lee and Jiho were crossed out. He had no interest in people only after his notoriety and money. Not to mention that smarmy smile Jiho spotted when he was talking to Jay once. 

Jay was eliminated simply because Daniel was already friends with him and never had intentions of letting go.

On and on it went, until Daniel narrowed it down to only 3 people he'd willingly associate with on a daily basis.

First was Zack Lee, who saw his fight with Vin Jin and seemed more than uninterested in him. Though he didn't seem all that aggressive whenever Daniel approached him, more annoyed due to Daniel's reputation.

Second was Mira Kim, Jingsung's friend and very obvious crush, she seemed less than interested in Daniel but more than happy talking to Jay. If he were to guess, Mira was more scared of his reputation, unwilling to talk to him if it meant that he could ruin her.

Third, annoyingly enough, was Zoe Park, who was more interested in Daniel's looks and money than actually being his friend. That could be fixed though, he just needed to know when to apply it.

He had no current interest in expanding his friend group outside the Fashion department, especially when he somehow made enemies with Burn Knuckles' second-in-command. There was Duke who seemed more comfortable whenever he and Jae sat at his table, but Daniel wasn't as interested in talking to him as he did with Jay. And Eli Jang, he could be friends with him, if only he wasn't on his way to making Jay his, and having some hate issues with Daniel.

Daniel leaned back in his chair, staring down at the three profiles that weren't crossed out.

Maybe he should approach Jinsung first.

So on his third day, Daniel finally tore himself away from Jay and cheerfully greeted Zacl. "Zack! Good morning!" He said as brightly as he could muster.

Zack stared at him, a mix of apprehension and shock in his eyes before it quickly turned into a glare. "What do you want?"

Daniel would pout but he didn't care enough to. "Will you sit down for lunch with me and Jay?" He smiled. "You could bring Mira over if you'd like."

Zack blushed before his glare got even more poisonous. "What do you want from Mira?" He hissed darkly. He seemed like he wanted Daniel dead on the spot.

"Calm down." Daniel huffed. "Can't a man learn more about his classmates?"

"Last I checked ." Zack hissed, Daniel guessed that bringing up Mira was a bad call. "You only had eyes for the blond boy."

Daniel chuckled." His name is Jay. If I bothered to remember your crush's name then you best remember my best friend's name." He said slowly, staring at him with the most empty eyes he could give.

Zack flinched minutely before grumbling out some kind of agreement. Satisfied that Zack bothered listening to him, he sauntered back to where Jay was arranging his desk and sat down next to him.

"Are you proud of me, Jay?" Hyungseok chuckled. "I'm trying to make friends."

Jay quirked his lip in response and pointed to Jinsung.

I don't know if that is called making friends if you intimidate them like that.

"What do you mean?" Daniel feigned a pout. "I was perfectly civil! It was him who misinterpreted my words as a threat."

Jay laughed silently at that, though his body language turned mournful for a moment.

Daniel frowned, his friend was thinking back to their childhood, reminiscing about the little boy that used to laugh and cheer and stare in awe at the simplest of things. Daniel didn't have to second-guess when he knew his friend was thinking about the little boy Daniel used to be.

If Daniel were an honest man, he would admit to missing that little boy as well.

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