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"Your irritating hero has meddled in the strands of fate far too much. I would have kidnapped you, but even a heartless demon lord such as myself can see that your bond has been severed. The thought of that sky child's pain just fills my heart with rainbows! ...I have been kind to you once. If your path crosses mine again... I may not be as generous."

Girahim's words dripped with poison. He watched Y/N from the shadow of the cedar tree at the graveyard. The darkness hiding all but is piercing eyes, he spoke again "I have brought you back to your abode." his voice turned wistful "There's just something about you, it reminds me of myself..."

"You were human?"

"... Mind your own business, sky child."

Y/N slightly smiled "Uh, thanks for bringing me back." she said awkwardly. The demon lord regarded her with little respect "You do realise that I'll kill your hero, don't you?" he deadpanned. Y/N nodded "Not if he kills you first."

She glared at him "Now that you've taken everything from him, he has something to fight for. He will win- I know he will! He may be an idiot sometimes- but he's the top of his class! He will win- and I swear, he WILL kill you."

Girahim waved this off with a flamboyant gesture "Yeah, sure." his gaze then softened "You know... you could be of use to us. That meddling boy has hurt you many times... wouldn't revenge be sweet?" his voice was smooth "you'd be great help in reviving my master. I've been in your position before..."

"I'll have to decline." Y/N said coldly.

"Suit yourself, sky child."

With a bow, the demon disappeared in a puff of diamonds. Y/N couldn't help but re-think the conversation she'd just had. She made a move to dive off the ledge near the cemetery, but something stopped her. With a sigh, she realised Girahim was right. Link wouldn't care anyways, she might as well just stay in skyloft.

She trudged back up the hill, looking around wearily, the teleportation that Girahim used made her a bit queasy and weak. Almost as if he had sapped away some of her energy. She stumbled over to the academy gates, staying clear of the remlits and the screeching keese. The moon was full today. She wondered wether Link had found Zelda.

Her two friends would probably be back by morning.

"OI! Y/N!" Pipit ran towards her, his eyes were wide "Where were you? We've been worried sick- Karane's been searching every inch of the sky for you!" He exclaimed "Oh, Hylia! You look terrible- let's get you inside."

Y/N opened her mouth to protest, and to tell him that she's told her mother already, but Pipit birskly lead her to the academy doors. Y/N thanked him "Thank you Pipit, I can take it from here-" "OH GODS, Y/N! What have you been doing?! Is that a cut I see on your arm?! And your leg- it's bleeding!" He yelled. Y/n thought he'd wake the whole academy up.

Pipit shook his head in disdain, muttering under his breath "I'll take you to Karane. Can you walk up the stairs? Or should I bring her down?" Y/N pushed him away "By Hylia- I'm FINE Pipit! It's just a scratch!" she rolled her eyes.

"JUST a scratch?! You're bleeding all over Y/N!"

"I must've been hit by one of those Deku babas..." Y/N swore.

"DEKU BABAS?!" Pipit echoed, face palming "Fine- if you can walk, let's go to Karane."

Y/N walked up the stairs, Pipit giving her weary glances and occasionally telling her to take it easy or to slow down. She'd be the death of him, she knew. Y/N knocked on the familiar door. Footsteps sounded and a disgruntled voice called out "Really Groose? I told you- I DON'T HAVE YOUR CONDITIONER-"

Karane's yelling died out when she saw who it was "...-Oh" and she lunged at Y/N, tackling her in a hug. Karane squeezed the air out of her "Y/N! I was worried sick!" she pulled back, pouting "I was stuck here in the academy- being the only girl! And Groose kept on knocking on my door at the ungodly hour of 3am and-" 

"Ahem." Pipit gave her a pointed look.

"OH HYLIA!" Karane shrieked at the sight of Y/N's ripped, blue tunic. It was scuffed and splattered with blood, most of it wasn't hers. Her pants were ripped up revealing scratches that she hoped weren't infected and there were leaves stuck in her hair.

Y/N muttered quietly "It's not that bad! They don't hurt anymore-"

"ZELDA?!" Groose Yelled, his heavy boots running up the stairs. The boy stopped dead, seeing Y/N "Oh, it's just you." he glared. Y/N smiled "Wow! I feel so loved, Groose!" she smiled, giving him the forbidden finger.

"What even happened to you?" Groose asked, appearing unconcerned. Karane came out of her trance, pulling Y/N into her room by the wrist. She firmly pushed Y/N onto her bed "You- are not going anywhere." she turned to the two boys who had followed them inside her room.

"Honestly! Have you guys ever heard of Privacy?!"

Pipit caught the door just as Karane was about to close it "My friend is hurt. I want to make sure she's okay." his voice was firm. The blush on Karane's cheeks didn't go unnoticed by Y/N, she snickered to herself.

"Suit-...Suit yourselves." Karane stuttered.

Karane brought out the bandages and started rolling up Y/N's sleeves and Cuffs. Karane didn't even look up when Y/N would flinch as she applied the medicine. Y/N mouthed to Karane "Your Diary," and Karane's eyes went wide.

She dropped the medicine and snapped shut her diary, which was open on a specially embarrassing page, she threw it in the trashcan. She laughed nervously when Pipit looked at her quizically.

"Where were you Y/N? And how'd you get back?" Pipit asked her, sitting on once of Karane's frilly, pink cushions. Y/N hesitated "Uh... It's better if you didn't know," she said gingerly, thinking of Girahim and Link.

Groose lasped into a trance-like silence. He opened his mouth and said

"What is Privacy?"



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