Chapter 1 Jack Frost's Rival?

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I shot around the atmosphere, looking at what people were doing. Then I spotted a young couple. “Look! A shooting star!” the girl said, pointing at the sky, well, at me, to be more exact, and the dude standing next to her looked up and smiled, “Make a wish, baby.” She smiled and put her hands together, closing her eyes, the dude staring at her, and I darted off. Hell, what’s with these people making wishes whenever they see me?

Well, you must be wondering who I am. People give me a lot of names, really. Shooting star, comet, sometimes meteor when I was careless. But those weren’t my “official”, uh, titles. The official one is… Wait, is that what I think it is? I stopped dead in my tracks, which is in mid-air, and narrowed my eyes on the far horizon, tightening my grip on my three-headed spear. There’s no mistaking it. North needs us. I sighed and started speeding towards the North Pole. What is it this time, I wonder? 

“Ah, thank you for coming, Flame.” North said when he saw me. “What is it, North? Better be important.” I said, impatient. “The Boogeyman was here!” North exclaimed, throwing his hands into the air, and Tooth asked, “Pitch? Pitch Black?” I sighed and tuned out their conversation. I seriously don’t really care about the whole Guardian thing, but Moon chose me, I don’t really have any other choice. My attention turned to Sandy as he shook a nearby elf, ringing the bell on the hat, and I snorted as he dropped the dizzy elf. He then made the shape of the moon with his sand on top of his head, then North exclaimed, “Ah! The moon! Why didn’t you say anything, Sandy?” before turning to the moon, completely ignoring Sandy’s reaction. 

Moonlight shone on the ground, then a shadow started forming in the light. Pitch’s figure. He must be planning something. The others said something, but I yawned just then, so I didn’t quite hear them. Then the light turned to the circle on the ground, and a huge crystal rose from the ground.

“Uh… Any idea what this means?” Tooth asked, and North said slowly, “He’s choosing a new Guardian…” Sandy made a clover on his head and Tooth said, “Could it be the leprechaun?” Bunny muttered something under his breath, and I looked at the ground, thinking to myself. I surely hoped it’d be… him. After all, it’d be more fair if your rival’s on the same level as you. More competition, sure, but more fun like that. The crystal started glowing and the light formed the figure of Jack Frost. Bunny protested, Tooth reacted like she’s crushing on him, while I cheered silently in my heart. Finally! We can compete fair and square. 

“So, what now?” I asked, and North thought. “The yetis will get him.” “You sure they won’t, like, hurt him?” I asked, doubt clear in my voice, and North laughed. “Don’t worry about that, Flame. I won’t do anything that might cause you to lose your rival. I don’t wanna repeat history…” he said, then shivered. I snorted. “Good. Well, I’m gonna explore the place for a bit, see ya.”

I left the room and walked out of the building, the cold air welcoming me. I sighed and sat on the snow, which instantly melted as I sat. I sighed and started fidgeting with my spear. It’s been a while since I’ve seen him… Hope he hadn’t gotten weaker, I thought and smirked.

A/N: I just watched Rise of the Guardians this morning and IT'S SO FUCKING AWESOME!! JACK FROST RULES!! That dude really rocks!! Next time I get my hair cut, I'm gonna bring a pic of him along so the hairstylist knows how to cut my hair like him. I got my hair cut on Monday and I said, "short, guys' hairstyle". Well, there aren't that many variations of guys' hairstyles, so I figured it'd be like Jack's but my hair ended up like Pitch's =.= DAMN!! Well, at least it's not exactly the same, I mean, Pitch's hair was combed backwards, while mine has bangs (Well, sorta, my bangs became so short it's barely visible.) Haha, hope it grows longer soon. Also, the spear's unlike those red devil's spears you often see in cartoons... It's more like Mukuro's spear. You know Mukuro, right? The dude in Katekyo Hitman Reborn? Yeah, him. His spear. Well, Flame's attire and physical description in the next chapter, bye.

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