Chapter 18 End of Pitch

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Flame’s POV

Sandy threw Pitch high up into the air with his sand-whip still around his wrist. He looked up, smiling proudly at himself.

“It’s the Sandman!” said the kids. He turned to them and saluted, which they returned quite excitedly. Sandy looked up again and tugged at the whip, slamming Pitch down into the ground meters away.

“SANDY!!” yelled the guys, running over to him and engulfing him in a group hug. I walked after them, taking my sweet time. I can’t exactly hug people, I might burn them. That won’t be good for people who just returned from god-knows-where. I glanced at Pitch and chuckled when I saw the dream-sand dancing around his head.

The guys released Sandy, allowing him to rise into the air. He spread his arms, as if embracing the heavens, and sent out his golden sand to the open windows of children’s bedrooms. What a sight. It’s beautiful…

“Not bad, eh, sis?” Leo said, nudging my side. I kicked his leg, laughing out loud. Everywhere around us, the kids are turning Nightmares into dream-creatures with their touches. The other Guardians had stopped and just watched as the kids do their jobs.

“So, Flame, who’s this guy?” Jack asked, approaching us. Leo and I exchanged looks.

“Yeah, who’s this guy? He looks just like Jack.” Bunny piped in, approaching us with the others.

I thought for a moment before looking at Leo again. He shrugged. “Well, telling them won’t hurt.”


“So… I was created from part of this guy’s soul?” Jack wondered out loud, glancing at Leo, who just smiled and waved at him.

“Yeah. Nice to meet you.” Leo said.

“But I think I look better with white hair.”

“No, red hair’s better.”



I sighed as the two Jacks continued bickering. They can be so childish at times…

“Hey, Flame? You mentioned a link just now, didn’t you?” Bunny asked. I nodded.

“It’s still there. Pitch had attempted to regain his control over the link, but so far, he hadn’t succeeded.” I said.

“That said, we still gotta find a way to break it.” Leo said, abandoning his argument with Jack.

“That can wait. It’s not like Pitch can do anything about that anytime soon.” I said, waving it off.

“You sure?” Jack said from behind. I turned around, but stopped halfway when a snowball hit me in the face, hard.

I let the snow melt and evaporate before sending a sharp glare in Jack’s direction. He ran off, laughing all the way. He threw more snowballs at everyone, and before we knew it, a snowball fight’s started.

I stopped chasing him and decided to just sit and watch everyone. Jack stopped running too. North approached him and they started talking, probably about Jack’s center or something, because North gave him the wooden-doll-like thing.

“You did great, sis.” Leo said, sitting next to me. I chuckled.

“It’s all thanks to you. So, have you figured out how to break this link with Pitch?” I asked. To be honest, I’ve been more than eager to get rid of this link. The thought of being linked with Pitch was enough to give me the chills.

He shook his head disappointedly. “Unfortunately, I haven’t. Well, I do have a theory. If Pitch’s dead, the link would surely break, right? But Guardians don’t kill, I know. Plus, Pitch’s probably immortal too. I’ll think of something else.” he said.

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