Chapter 15 Guardians on the Move

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“How much longer is this gonna take?” I asked impatiently. Leo sighed. “For the last time, Scar, stop bugging me and let me concentrate on my job.” he said, equally impatient.

I groaned. “Well, speed it up. I really dislike being restricted like this.” I said, pulling at the chain to emphasize my point.

“Fine, fine! I get it! Now be quiet!” he growled. I huffed and rested my head on the wall, eyes closed. I wonder what the guys are doing…

“Finally! I’ve done it!” Leo exclaimed. I felt the chains fall apart and rubbed my wrists. “That took you long enough.” I commented. “It’s harder than I thought, okay?” he said.

I shrugged. “You said you’re skilled. Not as skilled as I thought.” He narrowed his eyes at me. I looked back at him. “What?”

He shook his head and smiled. “No. It just reminds me of back then, when we were still…” he said, voice trailing away. I smirked and patted his head. “Don’t worry bro. We’ll be like how we used to be.” I said.

He looked at me weirdly. “Why are you patting my head? I’m the older brother, remember?” he said. I laughed. “But we’re equally tall. See?” I used my hand to show the nonexistent height difference between us.

He pouted. “But I’m supposed to be the older brother…” he muttered. I smacked him atop his head. “Who cares? You’re my brother, that’s all that matters.” I said. He thought about it. “Guess so.”

I smirked again and ruffled his hair. “Good. Now let’s go save the world.”

He slapped my hand away, irritated. “Stop treating me like a kid.” he protested.

“Fine. Oh, do you know where my bandana is?” I asked, looking around. He looked around too. “Dunno. But knowing Tooth, she probably picked it up for you after the Nightmare ripped it off.” he said.

I nodded. “Well, we better hurry. God knows what’s going on out there. Pitch might’ve been haunting the children and driven the guys crazy.” I said.

“But how can we help them? Even if we destroy Pitch, can that stop this whole thing?” Leo asked.

“Did I ever say anything about destroying Pitch? No, I’m not that much of a worker. I’m a Guardian, and I don’t intend to dirty my hands over something pointless like that.” I said.

“Then what are you planning to do?” he asked again. I smirked. “We’re gonna restore the children’s beliefs. Simple as that. I’m not that bloodthirsty, you know.”

Tooth’s POV

“Tooth? Hey, Tooth!”

I blinked a few times and turned my attention to Bunny and North, who were looking at me, worried. “Yeah?”

“What were you thinking?” North asked. I shook my head. “Nothing. Just wondering how Jack and Flame’s doing.”

“I can understand you caring for the Flame Empress, but why worry about Jack? That guy’s betrayed us!” Bunny said. I looked at him and couldn’t help laughing, though it stopped soon.

I’m getting really worried. All our attempts to restore the children’s beliefs don’t seem to be succeeding. We kept losing our powers. Bunny’s even started to shrink…

A sigh escaped my lips. I’m really starting to lose hope. I felt North’s large hand on my shoulder, squeezing gently. “Don’t worry, Tooth. We’ll make it through. I feel it… in my belly!” he said, patting his large belly. I chuckled.

Even though he said so, I’m still worried.

Jack’s POV

I went to the South Pole right after my little encounter with the other Guardians. They didn’t trust me. Pitch was right. I got to a cliff and howled, preparing to throw my capsule of teeth, but I couldn’t.

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