Chapter 21 An Unexpected Scheme

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Jack’s POV

“For god’s sake, Flame, you gotta stop burning people just for some petty revenge!” I yelled. Flame tore her eyes off of Leo, who was still wrapped in black flames, and turned to me. The black flames around him disappeared and he collapsed.

“’Petty revenge’? In case you’ve forgotten, Jack, he’s the one who killed me.” she said in an unexpectedly calm tone.

“That’s no reason for giving in to the darkness!” I seethed. Why am I even doing this? If the darkness had taken over, nothing I say will make a difference. But a part of me still doesn’t want to give up.

“Why not? It’s not like I’m obligated to be a Guardian anyways. I don’t even have a center. Can you believe that? A Guardian without a center?” she said, shaking her head somewhat disappointedly.

“Of course you have a center! You just haven’t found it yet!” I argued. I looked at the others. They didn’t seem to know what to do, whether to support me or to stay silent. So far, they’d been sticking with the latter option.

Flame suddenly burst into laughter. “I just haven’t found it yet, you say? How long has it been? It’s been centuries, Jack! I’ve been around since far before you were born! I’ve been patient enough all this time, I thought I’d eventually find it, but no, it still hadn’t come to me!”

Suddenly, the black flames restricting my movements heated up, if that’s even possible. I hissed in pain and struggled to break free, but it’s useless. This is unbearable! Even if I’m not a winter spirit, this is still too much!

“Oi, mate! Stop it with your burning! You’re gonna kill him!” Bunny’s voice suddenly rang out. Flame snorted and the flames cooled down somewhat. I breathed a sigh of relief.

“Just because you haven’t found your center, you can’t say you don’t have a center.” North said somewhat sternly.

“Yeah, you’ll find it, I’m sure!” Tooth’s voice joined in.

Flame looked at us all grimly, then suddenly smirked. “I don’t think a Guardian who has fallen to the darkness can find a center.” she said.

“You still have a chance to return now, Flame. I know the real you, and she’s definitely still there, you just gotta fight your way out of the darkness’ clutches.” I said, a hint of hope in my voice.

She looked down. Her bangs got into her face, hiding it from sight. We waited expectantly. She looked up after a while, her right eye, the red one, gleaming slightly. “Sorry, it’s too late.” she whispered, barely audible.

The red eye suddenly turned black, and at that moment, I somehow knew she’s gone. I looked down, disappointed in myself. We’ve failed. We’ve failed to save our companion.

We waited in silence, not sure what to expect. She remained motionless, her hair still hiding her face from our sight. After a long while, she slowly raised her head to look at the sky. She turned to Leo, who was sprawled out on the ground, seemingly unconscious.

She walked to him and knelt down next to him. What is she trying to do? The black flames hid the two of them from sight, so there’s no telling what’s happening, but Leo didn’t make a sound. He hasn’t done so in a long time.

She stood up and walked away from Leo. His wounds had healed again. Was it part of her new powers? She looked at us all, her eyes devoid of any form of emotion. She suddenly raised her arm, startling me. Scratch that, she scared the living hell out of us all.

The heat nipping at my skin disappeared, and I stumbled on my feet from the sudden loss of support. What? What just happened? I looked down. The flames had disappeared. I turned to the others. They were freed too, and looked just as surprised as I was.

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