Chapter 9 My Left Eye's Yellow?

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It’s so dark here… Wait, where am I? As if responding to my question, a light broke through the darkness. I winced at the sudden light and blocked the light with my hand. The light finally dimmed a little and I blinked, taking in my surroundings.

Everything’s a blur, but I could make out that I was in the middle of a field, where a couple of men were training. I looked around and spotted the faint figure of a little girl with long red hair, around 5. I tried to get a better look, but the scenery started spinning and changed soon.

I blinked and looked around again. I was currently in a large manor, and the same red-haired girl was in here too, except she looked a little older, maybe 10. She had a look of shock and horror on her face. There were some people surrounding her, they were either sobbing or crying. The girl then ran out, an older boy chasing after her. I moved to follow, but the scenery started spinning again and changed.

I was now standing in the same field I was in the first time, the red-haired girl standing a few feet in front of me. She looked much older than the first time I saw her, maybe around 14. Her back was facing me, and her hair was much shorter, but I could tell it’s the same girl. In her hand was a spear, very much like mine. Could it be…

My eyes flew open. A dream? I sat up quickly and winced. My head hurts… I held my head in my hand and got off the bed I was previously in. Then I looked around. I was in one of the rooms in North’s workshop.

The door burst open and Tooth flew in. She looked at me and started bombarding me with questions. “Oh my gosh, you’re awake! Are you okay? Does your head hurt? Did you have a good sleep? Did you-?” “Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down, Tooth. One question at a time.” I cut her off, raising my hand.

Tooth nodded and asked, “Are you alright?” “Yeah, I guess. Just have a headache, that’s all. And I just had the weirdest dream ever.” I replied, raking my fingers through my hair. “What dream?” Tooth asked again, now starting to talk quickly again, a tint of nervousness in her voice.

“Well, the last one’s of some weird red-haired girl, and the previous one…” My voice trailed away as the memories returned to me. I grabbed Tooth’s shoulders and started shaking her. “Where’s Sandy?” I demanded. Tooth seemed shocked.

“I-I…” she stuttered. “Where’s Sandy, Tooth? Where is he?” I started yelling. “H-he… He’s gone, Flame. Sandy’s gone. Pitch…” Tooth muttered, her voice shaking. I let my arms drop to my side and fell on my knees.

“No…” I muttered, burying my face in my hands. Tears were threatening to fall down. “It’s all my fault…” I muttered again. “No, Flame, it’s not your fault! Don’t blame yourself!” Tooth immediately said, hand on my shoulder.

“No, Tooth, you don’t understand. I-I had a weird dream when we were searching for teeth, where I seem to become Pitch, and I saw him planning to kill Sandy, and yet I didn’t do anything about it! And… When Sandy was killed, I… I had another one of those weird dreams, and I could’ve done something to stop Pitch, and yet I didn’t! I-“ I started ranting, but Tooth cut me off by hugging me.

“It’s not your fault, Flame. Believe me.” Tooth said softly. I let my tears stream down my face and hugged her.

Tooth let me hug her, despite my high body temperature, and after a while, I let go of her, wiping my tears away. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to…” I began, looking away. Tooth patted my back and smiled. “No problem, Flame. We’re best friends, remember?” she said. I looked at her and smiled.

“Well, thanks, Tooth. And… I need some time alone, so…” I began, but Tooth got the message and left immediately.

I sighed and walked out of the room, heading to my destination.

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