Chapter 17 Meteor Shower

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Jack’s POV

Another lightning strike reminded us of our situation. We looked up at a shadow of Pitch in the alley. “All this fuss over one little boy, and still he refuses to stop believing. Very well. There are other ways to snuff out the light.” Pitch’s voice said as the shadow moved around. It’s getting really annoying.

“If you want him, you’re gonna have to go through me.” Bunny said, hopping forward. Okay, I know this isn’t very nice, but he’s not intimidating, since he’s so small.

“Oh, look how fluffy you are. Would you like a scratch behind the ears?” Pitch’s voice said. The shadow turned into the shape of a hand that moved towards Bunny. Bunny backed off and hopped onto North’s large hand. “Don’t even think about it!”

Pitch’s laugh rang in the air. “I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to see you all like this.” Pitch said, finally appearing in our view with his Nightmares. I stepped in front of Jamie, motioning him to stay behind me.

“You look awful.” Pitch said, smirking triumphantly, showing off his small teeth. I glared at him. No matter how much I hate to admit it, we really aren’t in our best condition. And he’s cornering us.

“Jack.” Jamie whispered. I turned to him. Fear was evident on his face. He looked up at me. “I’m scared.” I quickly kneeled before him, a hand on his shoulder. Then a girl’s voice rang in my ears. “Jack, I’m scared.”

It’s my sister. She said that right before I died, right before I was chosen. I told her it’s okay, everything’s gonna be alright, that… “We’re gonna have a little fun instead.” I subconsciously said. “That’s it. That’s my center!” Jamie gave me a confused look.

I gave him an assuring smile. Pitch was getting closer now. He was still talking. “So what do you think, Jamie? Do you believe in the Boogey-“ I cut him off with a snowball, straight in his face. A laugh escaped Jamie, then he stopped, not knowing if it’s appropriate. Tooth and North laughed too while Bunny had a stunned look on his face.

I tossed another snowball in my hand. My gaze fell on some wooden boards and some other stuff that would be perfect for sledding. A cheeky grin found its way to my face. “Now let’s go get your friends.” I said, turning to Jamie.

I frosted the ground through the barricade of Nightmares while the others got the boards, then we sledded our way out. We made our way to the main road. I was in the lead to keep the trail going. If Flame’s here, it would’ve been a race, that is, if she hadn’t been weakened from the lack of beliefs.

That reminds me… I threw a snowball to the window of a child’s bedroom. Cupcake, if I remember correctly. Not many girls were as large as she was. She was awake instantly. I made it snow in her room to make sure she won’t fall asleep again.

I took Jamie to one us his friends’ house. He tapped the window after I made it snow in the room too. The child immediately woke up and went to the window. “Jamie, how are you doing that?” he exclaimed. That’s right, he can’t see me, so Jamie’s floating in the air for him. “Jack Frost!” Jamie said excitedly.

I smiled proudly. “Come on, we need your help!” Jamie said again. We flew off. I glanced over my shoulder at the child, who looked back at me in awe. Another child who believes!

I met up with the others, who’d gotten more believers themselves, all of whom were on sleds, close behind them. “Jamie, you were right!” I heard one of them exclaim. I glanced over my shoulder to look at the guys behind me while keeping the trail going.

“The Easter Bunny is real!”

“The Tooth Fairy!”

“And Santa!”

Flame and Frost [Rise of the Guardians Fanfiction]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя