Chapter 6 Tooth Hunt

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“Ahaha! Quickly! Quickly!” North exclaimed as he jumped in and out of chimneys.

“Hop to it, rabbit! I’m five teeth ahead!” Jack exclaimed to Bunny, flying a few feet from him, who was hopping from roof to roof.

“Yeah, right. Look, I’d tell you stay out of my way, but really, what’s the point? ‘Cos you won’t be able to keep up anyway!” Bunny replied, gaining speed. Jack smirked.

“Is that a challenge, Cottontail?” he said, flying backwards. “Oh, you don’t wanna race a rabbit, mate.” Bunny said. “Oh, really?”

Both Jack and Bunny looked up at me, who was flying a good distance ahead of them. I smirked and said, “Then you’ve never raced a shooting star before!” before shooting off, smirking even more as I heard Jack protest, “Hey, no fair!”

“A race? Is it a race?” North said, still jumping in and out of chimneys. “This is going to be… EPIC!” he exclaimed, laughing.

“Four bicuspids over there! An incisor two blocks east! Is that a molar? They’re EVERYWHERE!” Tooth exclaimed, a little hyper, then she flew straight into a large toothpaste billboard. “You okay, Tooth?” I said, flying to her side.

“I’m fine!” she said, looking around excitedly. “Sorry. It’s been a really long time since I’ve been out in the field.” she said again, an apologetic look on her face.

“How long is a long time?” Jack said, popping out of nowhere. “440 years, give or take…” she said, then she saw a tooth and darted off, leaving me and Jack looking at her, shaking our heads. Then our eyes met and I smirked. “Better start collecting teeth now, Frost.” I said and sped off.

I darted from house to house, collecting the teeth, smirking as the other Guardians groaned as they found that I’ve taken the teeth. I then perched on a windowsill, seeing North taking a tooth, booming with laughter, and I zapped him with a firebolt before taking the teeth he was about to take.

I went pass another house, spotted Bunny taking FIVE teeth from under ONE child’s pillow, and froze briefly before speeding to another house.

I flew in the room and looked around. “Hey, isn’t this Cupcake’s room?” I wondered aloud, looking at the pink paint and pictures of unicorns all over the wall. Then my eyes landed on the girl sleeping. “Wonder if she has any tooth for me.”

Yes, I know Cupcake. Kinda. She made a wish when I went pass sometime before, something about unicorns… Never thought a girl like her likes unicorns. I felt under her pillow and froze instantly as Cupcake moved in her sleep. She rolled around and stopped, still asleep, facing me.

I slowly pulled my hand out. No tooth. Then I sped off. “Well, that was close…” I muttered. “What’s close?”

I jumped away (weird, seeing as I was practically standing in mid-air) and pointed my spear and Jack, who raised his hands. “Whoa, easy with the spear!” he exclaimed. “Sorry.” I said and lowered my spear.

“So, what’s close?” he asked again, tapping his staff on his shoulder. “Nearly woke up a kid.” I said, looking around at the others. I snorted as I saw Bunny and North trapped in Bunny’s little hole and Sandman taking the tooth the other two were struggling to get.

“Be more careful, Flame. Tooth fairies never wake kids up!” Tooth said, flying to my side and raising a finger. I shrugged. “Not my fault, really.” I said. Then I turned to Jack.

“How many teeth have you collected?” I asked. “Ninety-eight.” Jack said proudly. I snorted again. “You might want to get going, Jack. I’m fifty teeth ahead.” I said. Jack’s eyes widened. “Say what, now?!” he exclaimed and flew off. I chuckled and turned to Tooth.

Flame and Frost [Rise of the Guardians Fanfiction]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें