Competition: Leo's Story (STILL OPEN)

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Since my next update won't be up for a long time, I've decided to start a competition. It's simple, really. All you have to do is think of a reason why Leo would set up the whole scheme with Flame. I've actually decided the whole story, but I want to know what kind of ideas you guys might have.

So, how do you win? You don't actually have to come up with an idea that's closest to mine, you just gotta think of an interesting story, be it an emotional one, or a mysterious one, or a completely wild idea, it doesn't matter. If I like the story, you win.

Next question, what do you win? I don't actually know what you guys want, but I guess I can accept requests, be it a request to read and vote on your story, or write a story for you. Anyways, I will fulfill the winners' request. Yes, there can be multiple winners, because I'm feeling nice, thanks to the comments you guys left on my story.

Lastly, how do you enter? You can write a story or one-shot, but if you do that, you gotta dedicate at least one chapter to me so I can read it. Or, if you're not feeling like writing a whole story, you can just comment your ideas here, or, if you don't want others to read it, you can message me. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I'm looking forward to reading your entries, so don't be shy, let your imaginations take over and write down your ideas!

Edit (2014/8/16): I forgot to put this here before, so I'll say it now. If you're gonna submit a story, please include [Entry for Flame and Frost Competition: Leo's Story] in the title, brackets included.

Update (2014/11/4): I've posted Leo's Story, so I'm gonna make a few changes to the requirements. You have a few choices:
1. You can write your own version of Leo's story. But it can't be too similar to mine, else it can't be entered.
2. You can write my version of Leo's story. You can write about Leo and Flame's past life your own style.
Deadline is yet to be decided. I will update when I have any other further announcements, so look out for those.

Entries (Last updated 2014/11/5):
1. MinecraftsGirl
Comments: I really like her new idea. I've always liked those sort of stuff, with illusion and all that. She requested a story. A romance fanfiction for Pitch, to be exact. This should be interesting...
2. Autumn_Kisses_
Comments: I really like her idea. Enough to decide her winning right away. Entries are still welcome. Like I said, there can be more than one winner. She had made her request, which is a sequel. The story's not even close to ending, yet someone's already asking for a sequel... I'm happy some people like my story so much.

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