*its me, hi!*

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if you're reading this...

it's me, hi! jhad connor...

its been a long time since i put something here. let's say, i never written and reorganize prose and poetries that i have written like i always do before. i never thought this could happen again – the writing stuff and everything.

a lot of things has changed. i'm currently working and doing some 'adulting' as what they can say.


i am not sure if anyone is reading this but if you are reading this, i hope you'll be okay of whatever is happening to you. a lot of things also happened to me but i have faith that things will make sense soon.

why am i saying this? let's say, this collective body of work is a result of a long-term melancholia that i'm going through. i felt the need to write each one of the poems at every nights that i am having a hard time to sleep. i just want to lift up the blue sitting in my system.

anyway, again.

i miss all of you. i miss writing poems. i miss everything about this aspect of mine that i rarely share. i miss this!

hope we will meet each other, next time. love you!

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