- Chapter 10 -

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I was in the back of the truck with Marine, Dylan, and Zack

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I was in the back of the truck with Marine, Dylan,
and Zack. Chase was driving and Cody was in the passenger seat. I wasn't sure why we didn't take two vehicles. I was squished all the way to the window. I was certain that if I moved a little bit more the door would break open.

I didn't pay attention to the road as we drove even though I knew I should have. I couldn't. Not after what happened less than 10 minutes ago.

I touched my lips with my fingers, never wanting to forget that moment. His soft lips against mine. His warm hand resting on my cheek. His eyes that wanted it all.

Jake was going to be the death of me.

I never thought this would happened. Me caring about a guy during the time where every second our lives are at stake. All I cared about was my family. I didn't want to let anyone else in because no one is set on surviving this. I didn't want to lose people. I didn't want to hurt.

"I heard it's your first run."

I snapped back to reality at the sound of the voice next to me. Marine was looking at me intently. I nodded a reply. I wanted to say more but I didn't know what. She caught me off guard. None of the trainers talked to me. Now that she finally did, I didn't know what to say.

She gave me a sympathetic smile, "I know how you feel. I just recently turned 19 so I'm pretty new too."

Her voice was soft and welcoming. Different from what she looked like. From the first glance, I would think she's one of those mean, popular girls that you could find in high schools.

She had the most icy blue eyes that could judge you and know everything about you from a mile away. Her blonde hair was almost white and I wondered if she came from a line of snow princesses.

"How is it out there?" I asked.

"I think it's getting worse every day." My heart dropped. Not what I wanted to hear. "Less survivors. More Infected. They're spreading everywhere."

"We searched through most of the towns nearby. Went to the places we thought were most survivors in."

"Where are you taking the survivors?" I asked another question. I was certain they didn't bring them to Ground Zero. Only "specific" people were eligible to be there.

"Don't know." Marine shrugged, "Kana, Chase and some other ones take care of that. You should probably ask them."

"Ask what?" Chase called from the driver's seat, turning left.

"Where are you taking the survivors?"

He looked through the rear view mirror, his brown eyes giving me a look. "Just because you joined the group doesn't mean you're gonna know all the secrets."

I crossed my arms, looking away from him. I continued staring at the outside. We drove onto the clear, smooth pathway leading up to the hill. The sun was already high up, igniting the hues of the trees.

𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐋𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐈𝐧 𝐏𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now