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Fiore was a land that was unlike any other. A far away place where you wander among every culture and tongue. A mystical content that was home to not only humans, but creatures and beings that you thought only to exist in myths and legends. A world where magic was real and this great force could be used to unleash your wildest dreams or your worst nightmares. It all depended on who was chosen to wield the gift of magic. But I'm getting a little ahead of myself. Before we officially begin our story, allow me to elaborate a little on Fiore's history.

Fiore was divided into five realms. The Laẓan City, The Verdenshav Kingdom, The Tiānkōng Empire, The Kiwanja Tribe, and The Magnolia Nation. All five realms were equally glorious and prosperous, with their own element and climate. Their own traditions and way of life. Their own culture and lore.

The Lazan City was a desert peninsula in the East that was blistering hot and chaotic with wind blowing through the street and the sun shinning bright, but at times he could be scorching. A city of peddlers, bandits, explorers, people desperate to seek their fortune by any means necessary.  But it was also a city of great splendor, adorned with temples, monuments, and other large buildings as far as the eye could see. Lazan was by far the wealthiest of the five realms because magnificent treasures and precious metals such as gold, jewels, and ivory could be discovered in almost every location. And yet Lazan's beauty did not come from their wealth and treasure, it came from their passion for art. Painting, sculpting, pottery, they loved nothing more than to make their greatest dreams made real through images of paint and clay.

Humans mostly populated the city but the legendary creatures known as genies and dragons made their home here as well. Now I'm sure from what you've heard, dragons are vicious and bloodthirsty beasts while genies of deceptive and untrustworthy beings but that's completely false. Dragons are really the most honorable and noble creatures that God ever made, they served as guardians over Lazan City, keeping the humans safe from danger that existed outside the city.  The genies were originally humans with pure hearts who were given their power and immortality in order to benefit mankind. But only the pure of heart were ever to become such a creature.

The Verdenshav Kingdom was a quaint country by the sea, in the West with arable land and peaceful coasts. A place where one could feel the salt on their skin, the wind in their hair, just the waves ebbed and flowed. Naturally sailors, fishermen, shipbuilders, and merchants were a common occupation in this kingdom. In fact you could find a boat or ship almost anywhere in here and you could almost always hear someone onboard singing a song or playing a tune. Music was their passion, because it was a beauty that was heard and felt rather than seen. Singing, dancing, or playing an instrument, was how they could express what was deep within their hearts. A heart song they called it, and to the Verdenshav Kingdom, nothing was more precious than a song from the heart.

The legendary creatures of this realm existed down in the bottomless blue, where the eyes of any surface dweller could not see them. Water horses and merfolk they were called. The water horses were long-necked mammals who would glide across the ocean surface at time an other times dive into the depths. They friendly and sentimental toward all sea creatures, but in matters of surface dwellers, it all depended. They could either be fearful and irritable toward them or just amicable and even charming as they were with their ocean brethren. Merfolk were much more complex. Beings that bore a resemblance to both humans and fish who built their own little homes from shells and reefs, preferring to live down where its wetter and avoiding humans as much as possible.

The Tiānkōng Empire had been established in a vast, mountainous region located up North with widely varying landscapes and peaceful valleys. They were high above all the other realms and close to the sky, building their houses on mountain tops and in trees like the birds would. Their passion in life was literature and poetry, a book or any form of written material was considered the most valuable thing in the entire empire. More valuable than porcelain, jade stones, and silks. The entertainment and knowledge found in a good book or ancient scroll was by far the most beloved treasure to them.

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