Chapter 30

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Later that day as Juvia was swimming home from her garden, she noticed that a lot of merfolk were staring at her and she could hear them once again whispering about her. Although this time they didn't hold back or even care that she could hear them.

"Just when we thought she couldn't be even more of a freak." She heard one mermaid mumble.

"I knew she was odd but I never thought she was actually insane." She heard a merman mutter.

"Poor Gajeel, imagine having such a spiteful and insensitive girl as a sister."

"This shame will follow him for years."

"Well perhaps his other sisters or his future children will help erase that shame."

"What are they talking about?" Juvia thought to herself. "I know they never thought much of me but this is a little brutal even for them."

"I just can't believe that a sea princess of the sea would actually save a human from drowning." An older mermaid whispered.

"What?!" Juvia accidentally gasped out loud upon hearing that last remark. "Oh no...No he didn't."

In a great haste, Juvia swam back to the palace as quickly as she could to seek out Panther Lily. She found him just outside the throne room looking terrified and guilty.

"Tell me that you didn't. Please tell me that you didn't tell anyone about Gray." Juvia asked him, though his expression couldn't have made it anymore clear.

"I'm sorry." He said regretfully.

"Oh my God! Lily how could you?!"

"I didn't mean to tell! It was an accident!"

"How many people did you 'accidentally' tell?"

"I only told one person."

"Then how does everyone else in the kingdom know about it? Unless...No! Oh Lily, you didn't really tell my brother, did you?"

"It really was an accident! I swear!"

"Great!" She huffed. "If you just told him, then no wonder everyone else knows. He was probably screaming about it to the top of his lungs! Oh I knew I couldn't trust you!"

Juvia thought that she was going to have a heart attack. Now that Gajeel knew her secret, what was he going to say? What was he going to do? She knew very well that once he confronted her about this, he wouldn't be calm or rational, and definitely wouldn't listen to her side of the story. He'd just lose his temper like always.

"Can this get any worse?" She thought out loud.

"Yes." Lily stammered. "Your brother wishes to have a word with you."

The young mermaid almost looked ill when she realized what that meant.

"Right now?" She asked nervously.

"He wishes for you to come immediately and without delay."

"Oh...Okay...Tell him I'm coming."

Panther Lily nodded and re-entered the throne room to inform the sea king of what Juvia said. At the moment, the queen was at his side trying to soothe his anger and serve as his voice of reason.

"Now Gajeel please keep your temper under control." Levy said. "Do not say or do anything in anger. You know that it always ends badly for you. You must remain calm."

"Calm? Calm?! You expect me to remain calm after what I've just heard?!"

"First of all don't ever raise your voice at me like that." She said sternly. "I'm your wife remember?"

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