Chapter 20

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The Kiwanja Tribe was a realm that was both vastly different and yet similar to the Tiānkōng Empire. In matters of differences, Kiwanja had been built down below on earth as opposed to Tiānkōng being built high up in the mountains. Kiwanja had a passion for athletics and Olympic games whereas Tiānkōng's passion as you already know, was for knowledge and learning. Kiwanja preferred to live in a more feral way, closer to nature while Tiānkōng lived more civilized and regal like. But both realms considered honor to be the most valuable virtue, both were highly skilled in combat, and both had been left scarred by the violence and brutality of the Great War.

The former chief of the tribe had devoted his entire life to rebuilding all that had been destroyed and ransacked by the war. Tending to the needs of his ill and injured men, rebuilding their ruined homes, slaving away in the hot sun in order to make the land fertile again. It took many years, but his efforts were rewarded with all that was lost being restored. This in turn caused him to be greatly beloved and adored by all within the tribe. Even the animals of the savannas and the jungles respected him for he had always been wise to follow the scared laws. He ordered his people to never over hunt and to only kill in order to eaten or to avoid being eaten. He also ordered that every creature, animal or man be treated with respect and the no one's life be considered less important than another. He even made peace with the giants of the realm, allowing them to farm on his land and serve as healers to his people. It wasn't any wonder why he was so loved.

So of course the tribe was devastated when they're beloved chief was killed on a hunting trip. He was the greatest leader they ever had, there was no one before him more wise, loyal, or kind. But saddest of all, was that the chief had died when his only child was just three years old. She had already lost her mother to the complications of childbirth, now she had no father to raise her.

Wendy was the child's name and she was the future of the tribe. Someday she was to become Chieftess of the Kiwanja Tribe. However she was far too young to succeed her father, so until she reached the proper age, her father's brother Faust rule as chief and he would also serve as the girl's guardian. Although Faust was not exactly the nurturing type, in fact he barely wanted anything to do with his niece. So he just turned the orphaned toddler over to Grandeeney, a gentle giantess who was Wendy's nurse and the former chief's faithful healer. Now at first Grandeeney was no certain if she had the capacity to raise a human child, but it was not long before she came to love Wendy as if she was her own flesh and blood.

And under Grandeeney's love and care, Wendy grew into cheerful, sweet, and kind girl with a love of the wild. She never felt more at home then when she was up in the trees or in the tall grass, inhaling the smell of the flowers and the dirt. She loved swinging on vines, splashing in the watering hole, and listening to the birds sing. Wendy had a special connection with the plants and the animals, and she much preferred to spend time with them rather than focus on becoming the next leader of the tribe.

Of course it wasn't that she didn't understand how important her role was, and she did respect it. And sometimes she really wanted to learn. But truthfully she was very insecure about being an heir and didn't believe she would ever be up to the task. Especially whenever she heard anyone speak of her father's great legacy. It seemed too much for her to live up to.

The only person who knew of this was a boy from the tribe called Romeo. He was Wendy's only friend and the two would often sneak away from their chores and duties to play and run about in the jungles and savannas. But he was also the only one who could understand how nervous and scared becoming a leader made her feel. He didn't view her as the heir to a great tribe or a silly and irresponsible child. He viewed her as who she really was. A girl who just wanted to live a simple life in nature.

"Hi Romeo!" Wendy excitedly greeted him one morning as he was plowing the fields along with the other farm hands.

"Hey Wendy!" He greeted back.

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