Chapter 11

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Juvia wasn't the only one who would be having a difficult evening. When Princess Lucy returned to the palace, it was at the exact same moment that Zash had returned from seeking out Zeref's descendant. He hadn't of luck locating him today but he wouldn't give up, in the meantime, he need to do whatever was possible to stall the Summer trip to the Magnolia Nation an d upon seeing the princess, he concocted the perfect diversion.

"Good evening fair princess." He greeted her in a cordial manner.

"Good evening Zash."

Her tone was polite but her eyes held suspicion. Since she first met the magician, her gutt had told her that there was something not right about him. That beneath that charismatic attitude was a dark man with a dark purpose. Therefore she would never trust him. Not to mention he could be quite the pervert around her. Always staring at her in such a vulgar way, it made her sick. If only he didn't have her father wrapped around his finger.

"Did you enjoy your trip to the oasis?" He asked her. "I'm sure bathing in its waters was quite exhilarating."

He tried to picture her without her clothes on. She sensed this, and put some distance between them.

"I'd rather not discuss it. Now I'm off to my private chambers."

"Yes princess, you should get plenty of rest for the next few days. The upcoming trip will be very exhausting."

"Trip?" Lucy replied. "What trip?"

"Oh did his majesty not tell you? He has arranged for you to marry the prince of the Verdenshav

She looked at him surprised and almost horrified.


"Yes, it's to be a political alliance. Your father fears that some day the Tiānkōng Empire maybe be a threat to the Lazan City. A union with the
Verdenshav Kingdom would prevent that."

"And he just decided on this without telling me?"

"It would appear so."

"I don't believe this! Father has always been overbearing but he'd never force me to marry."

"He is the sultan and you are the princess. Your happiness is of little concern to him and the city."

"Where is my father? I must speak with him now!"

"He is currently in his study writing to the court of Verdenshav and he ordered that he not be disturbed. I insist that you obey his command."

Lucy gave him an infuriated glare then ran off to her chambers. She could not recall a time when she was so angry. Her father was actually going to force her to marry some feeble-headed prince against her will. Wasn't it bad enough that he didn't let her make any choices about anything else? Now he had to control who she would spend her life with.

"A princess must do this! A princess must say that! A princess must marry a total stranger!
It's absurd!" She ranted to her maids. "I can already see him now, my groom to be! Ugly as a toad, mean as an old goat, greedy as a wild pig! The most prideful and arrogant male on the earth!"

"Please calm down your highness." Aries said.

"I don't want to calm down! I don't want to be forced into a wedding! I refuse! I won't give up my freedom!"

"No way says you have to." Aquarius said. "Just speak to the sultan about it in the morning."

"What's the point? We all know how it will end. I'm just wasting my breath."

"Maybe this prince won't be as bad as all the others." Aries said. "I've heard many trade merchants say that he is kind and intelligent, a wonderful dancer, and very handsome. You might like him."

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