Chapter 25

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Erza wanted to go slow as she was leaving the empire, taking one last look at her home, the place where she was born and grew up in, just in case she would know it again. It made her heart ache to know that after this night she may never see this place, her mother, Makarov, Laxus, or Mirajane again. But doing what is right can be risky just as Sonya had said and Erza had decided that this risk would be worth it.

The last place she would pass before reaching the gate to the boarders was the manor house where Mirajane lived with her uncle. As her horse went by the estate, she caught sight of the phoenix Goldmine had captured earlier. The poor creature was hanging it's magnificent head in sorrow, mourning its lost freedom and possible fate of being locked away from the world forever. Erza couldn't bear to let the bird suffer like this and decided to do final thing before leaving.

She lightly tugged on the reins to stop her horse, came down from the steed, and quietly approached the front of the estate. When the phoenix saw her, he became frightened and started to screech and beat his wings against the cage bars. Taking a pin from her hair, she used it to pick the lock on the cage and opened the door. At first the phoenix stood perfectly still, trying to figure out what the young woman was trying to do. When she made no attempt to grab him, he spread his wings and flew out of his prison, literally free as a bird. It made Erza smile for a moment.

"What's going on out here?"

Erza was suddenly startled by the presence of Mirajane standing in the doorway with a lit candle in one hand and a dagger in the next. The phoenix's screeching had awakened her and she feared that someone was trying to break in, so she went to investigate. She was relieved to find that it was only Erza but was confused as to why she had come and by her choice of clothing.

"Erza what are you doing here?" She asked. "And what are you wearing?"

She lifted the candle higher in order to see her apparel better. She recognize her clothes to be military armor.

"Why are you wearing that?"

Erza sighed. She had tried to avoid getting anyone involved but now she had no choice but to confess everything to Mirajane.

"Mirajane what I'm about to tell you, you must never tell another living soul for any reason."

"Alright." Mirajane replied, not liking at all where this was going. "What's this all about?"

Erza told her everything. About going to the temple, about meeting Sonya, about Sonya's advice, about the conversation she heard between Makarov and Laxus, and about the choice she had made. Mirajane was stricken with terror.

"Have you lost your mind?" She said. "You can't go all the way to the Magnolia Nation alone and you can't impersonate a soldier. If anyone finds out about this you will be killed."

"I know but I have to do this."

"Who says?"

"I do and so does Sonya. Remember what they say about Sylphs, they are tricky but it is always wise to take their advice."

"But Erza I don't think you realize what you're getting yourself into. You're talking about masquerading as a military officer! You could get into trouble just for talking about it."

"I'm not saying that I'm not afraid. I'm terrified Mira. But if doing this will prevent another war, then I can swallow my fear and do it."

"Don't do this. Please don't do this. We can find another way to help."

"There's not enough time. The Summer Solstice is a week and a month away from now. If I can just get to the Magnolia Nation before then, we may have a chance of keeping our realm peaceful. Countless lives will not have to be sacrificed. The empire can be at peace for centuries."

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