Chapter 10

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A week passed and during that time, Juvia spent almost every hour of every day visiting the surface world. Traveling from one body of water to the next and seeing all the wonders that awaited her above. She saw the fruits in the garden ripen till they were gathered, the snow on the tops of the mountains melt away, the sun rise and set, the humans walk and run, but her favorite thing to do was to visit Lucy through the oasis. Their friendship had become very strong throughout these visits, especially when the mermaid would learn all about humanity from the princess. Learning about clothes, shoes, dancing, houses, land creatures, human ceremonies and traditions, but Lucy mostly educated Juvia on art.

She would tell the mermaid about the history of art then show paint or sketch for her. Showing off lovely and surreal displays of color and design. The many different shades of dark and light. Straight lines, or curves, spots or dots, splats and streaks. The variety of the princess's work seemed limitless, and each piece was just one beautiful expression of passion after another. And Juvia liked to look at each painting and listen to Lucy's story behind it.

"I like this one best." Juvia said admiring the medium sized canvas that bore a painting of two lovebirds perched together on a tree branch, in the light of the sunset. "It appears so realistic and the imagery is beautiful."

"I painted that one last spring. The ambassador gave me a lovebird as a gift and at first I was so pleased with having her as a pet, but she would never sing for me. Not once. She would just sit in her cage and look so sad. For the longest time I didn't understand why she was so sad. Then one night I awoke to hear her singing for the first time and I saw that it was because another lovebird was perched on the balcony across from where her cage stood. That's when I realized that he was her mate and she was so sad because she was being kept away from him. At once I released her from the cage and she flew off with her mate. They didn't go far though, they built a nest in the palace gardens and one lovely sunset, as I watched them together in a tree, I thought it would make the perfect painting."

"What a wonderful story. Just as wonderful as this painting is." She sighed at the artistic image. I wish I could see such lovely things in my world."

"You really like it?"


"Why don't you keep it then?"

"Oh no I couldn't. You made this yourself, it rightfully belongs to you."

"But I get to see lovebirds almost everyday. You're lucky if you get to see a regular bird everyday. I think you would appreciate this much more than I ever would."

"Oh thank you Lucy. Thank you so much. Look Conlan, isn't it pretty?" She showed the paiting to her water horse friend, yes even Conlan was a common visitor to the oasis and he was the only one Juvia could trust with the knowledge of her secret, human friend. Granted it was because Conlan couldn't talk, but hey one less person she had to keep secrets from.

When Conlan saw the painting he began to excitedly flip about in the water He didn't understand Juvia's fascination anymore than any other sea creature did, but he loved seeing her happy.

"You know I read in a book the water horses were supposed to be a lot bigger. But he's about the size of a dog." Lucy observed.

"Well that's because he's still just a baby." Juvia explained. "Just wait til he's grown, he'll be so big he won't be able to fit in this body of water."

"Will he still be cute though?" Lucy giggled.

Conlan liked that comment, he suddenly jumped out from the water, startling Lucy into falling back.

"Conlan, what are you doing? Come back!" Juvia called.

But Conlan just playfully waddled over to Lucy, jumped on to her, and began to lick her cheek like overly excited puppy. At first Juvia was worried that Lucy would become angry with the water horse's bold move and possibly go into a fit. Well, she did go into a fit. A fit of laughter.

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