Chapter 44

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Lucy had witnessed the arrival of "Prince Etherious" but unlike everyone else, who seemed all too eager to fall for his parade and tales of fabulous deeds, she had not yet decided how she felt about this mysterious prince. She had seen countless men make fools of themselves before and was certain that this one was no different. In fact she was tempted to outright refuse the request to meet him, but the last thing she needed right now was her father in another one of his bad moods. So reluctantly, she entered the great hall.

When Natsu saw her he almost fell over himself. She looked as beautiful as he remembered her. More beautiful even.

"Prince Etherious, allow me to present my daughter, Princess Lucy." The sultan introduced.

However the princess refused to even make eye contact with the young man. She just kept looking down at the floor, wanting to get this ridiculous meeting over with. Natsu on the other hand was just trying not to go stupid.

"Your..." He gulped before bowing. "Your majesty, I am Prince Etherious of Khalihan, and I would be delighted to ask for your hand in marriage."

Lucy was already infuriated by him. Already he's asking for her hand, not even making an attempt to get to know her first. There was no chance this man wanted to marry her for love, he was just like all the others, looking for an easy way to gain more power and riches. Didn't any of them have the good sense to at least have one conversation with her first? Ironically, the only prince who ever had that decency was the only one who didn't want to marry her.

"And I would be delighted to refuse." She answered haughtily.

"Lucy!" Her father scolded. "You could at the very least show him some respect. This man has traveled far and wide just to meet you and has brought you the most marvelous gifts."

"I don't care how far he's traveled and I don't care about his gifts, he's just another fraud. Someone who sees me as a prize to be won, which I most certainly am not!"

With that said, she stormed off. At this, Natsu's heart sank. He had been so sure that Lucy would have liked him as a prince. He never thought this would happen.

"I apologize on my daughter's behalf, Prince Etherious." Jude said. "I'm afraid she's very selective when it comes to suitors. Give her a moment or two to cool off. I will then speak to her and we'll sort this thing out at dinner tonight. That is if you will be staying?"

"I will if the prince of Verdenshav will have me." He said turning to Gray.

"I suppose there's no harm in entertaining another guest." Gray responded, still quite suspicious. "I'll have the maids make up a room for you."

"Excellent." Jude said. "Come Zash, it's been a long morning. Perhaps we all need a little down time."

"Yes." The vizier agreed. "I need to do a little thinking."

The sultan and vizier quickly exited the chamber. Once they were gone, Natsu hung his head and slowly slunk to the floor.

"Apologize on her behalf? I think I should be the one to apologize." Natsu said. "Cause it seems that my mere existence has offended her."

For a moment, Gray's suspicion of this "prince" was turned to sympathy upon seeing how downhearted he instantly became from her rejection. It seemed that he really wanted her to like him.

"Don't take it too hard." Gray said to the poor fellow. "She probably would have treated me the same way if I wanted to marry her."

"Huh?" Natsu looked at him confused. "Aren't you courting her too?"

"Not exactly. My people are frightened of reprisals of the great war so they think a marriage between myself and her would help keep the peace and give us extra security in case the other countries attempt to threaten us. And while I understand the reasoning and while the princess is indeed a remarkable woman, I could never marry her. I don't love her."

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