Chapter 6

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The fortune teller was a very mysterious individual. A young woman with tarot cards who just appeared in the city one day and set up shop in the market place, using her vast knowledge on magic and the supernatural to make a living. Many thought her to be just a charlatan but she was actually quite legitimate in her abilities. If only more people had faith in her power, then she'd be living much better.

Happy led Natsu to her tent and they found her sitting at a table, laying down tarot cards with great care while speaking in an ancient language that had been long forgotten. Her hair was tied and covered by a rag, and a veil hung over her face, the only feature of her you could see were her eyes. Eyes that were completely filled with mystery and the unknown.

"Ahh salaam and good morning to you stranger." She greeted Natsu. "Welcome to my tent of mystery, of enchantment, and the finest merchandise this side of the sand, on sale today!"

She snapped her fingers and like magic, the tarot cards were transformed into magical products.

"So what can I interest you in? Snake eyes, made from the eyes of the lucky viper? Fresh fruit from the tree of renewal? Oil of cherry blossoms from the Tiānkōng Empire? An enchanted cook pot that is always brimming with food?"

"No thanks I- Wait go back to the cook pot." Natsu said.

"Yes good sir, with this pot, you'll never go hungry again. Instant food will appear from within and it will never empty unless you request it. Observe!"

She presented the empty pot to Natsu and Happy, and right before their eyes, a small yet marvelous feast filled up inside. Natsu's mouth began to water and he started to reach for some food, only for the fortune teller to quickly pull it away from him.

"Yes! And this magnificent product can be yours all for the low price of ten silver pieces." She said.

"What?!" Natsu cried at the outrageous price. "In what world is that a low price?!"

"My world! And I don't negotiate with prices, so take it or leave it."

"I'll leave it, thank you very much. I didn't come to buy anything anyway. I came because I heard that you know about weird, paranormal stuff."

"It's a subject that I have majored in. Do you seek my knowledge?"

"Yeah. Tell me, can cats talk?"

She gave him a skeptic look.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Look I know it sounds nuts but my cat can talk. Show her Happy."

The fortune teller looked down at the blue feline who proceeded to do as human companion requested.

"Hi I'm Happy, nice to meet you."

"See?!" Natsu said.

However while Natsu heard Happy speaking as if he were a human being, all the fortune teller heard was,

"Meow. Meow. Meow."

She slowly looked back and Natsu, starting to step away from him real slow-like.

"Sir are you well? Are you suffering from heat exhaustion? If so I'll grant you some fresh drinking water from the oasis. Free of charge."

"Don't look at me like that! I am not crazy!" Natsu insisted.

"I never said you were sir, but the desert heat can play tricks on the weary traveler."

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