Chapter 29

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"Levy." Juvia said to her sister in-law the next day as she was brushing her hair. "What do humans think of our kind?"

"Well it's hard to say because every human has his or her own opinion but from what I've seen, most humans think merfolk are a myth. They believe that our kind only exists in their imaginations."

"Do you think a human could ever befriend one of us?"

"It's not impossible. I'm sure a human and meraid could get along just fine if they tried."

"And do you think that maybe..." She looked down at her fingers, twiddling with them nervously. "Maybe they could fall in love?"

"Now that is impossible."

"It is? How come?"

"Well for starters, humans don't find our tails very attractive. They much prefer their mates to have legs."


"So they can walk, and run, and most of all dance. I once saw a human couple dance together by the beach and the man loved nothing more than to take the woman into his arms and whilr her around and around. We cannot do such things."

"I wonder what it be like to dance with someone. It sounds wonderful."

"You'd be wise not to dream of dancing for you can never do it."

"Is there anything else that humans prefer their mate to have? What about music? Do they like music?"

"Oh they adore it. Love it as much as we do, especially the ones who live in Verdenshav. In fact music is the kingdom's greatest pleasure and passion."

"So a human would like my singing very much?"

"Very, but a lovely voice means nothing to a human if it belongs to maiden who has a tail instead of legs. What look at you below the waist and they'd panic." Levy said. "Why are you asking me these questions anyway?"

"Just curious."

But Juvia was very disappointed with Levy's words. She had been trying to figure out if there was a way she and Gray could be together. If a mermaid and a human could share a life. But Levy said that was impossible and she knew more about humans than anyone else under the sea so it had to be true. Adding further disappointment to her was that the next few times she swam up to see her prince, she discovered that he wasn't there. He wasn't on the balcony or sailing on his ship or walking along the beach. He was no where.

She started to get worried. Where had he gone? Was he alright? Did something happen to him? Had he been hurt? She just wouldn't know peace until she knew if he was okay. So against her better judgement, she began clinging to the side of ships, listening to the gossip of sailors, hoping that one of them would reveal any information about the prince. For six days, she learned nothing, then finally of the seventh of that week, she heard a crewman mentioned that Gray had gone to spend the Summer at his other castle in the Magnolia Nation.

"I have to go there." She said to Panther Lily and Conlan when she returned from her last visit. "I have to go to this Magnolia Nation and see him again. And when I do I'm...I'm going to talk to him."

"Juvia stop talking crazy." Lily said. "Levy told you that no human could ever fall in love with a mermaid. Besides, the human world is not for you."

"You don't understand Lily. My body is down here." She looked up toward the surface. "But my heart is up there."

"Juvia you are the luckiest girl in the world. You live under the sea which is the most beautiful place in the world and there are so many beautiful creatures down here. Creatures who adore you."

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