Chapter 8

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The servants of the underwater kingdom set to work preparing the concert as soon as Juvia returned home. It was to be held in honor of Juvia's seventeenth year and she would the center of the entire show. Her sisters primped her up the best they could and rehearsed their number one last time before going on, while Panther Lily set up the stage and the instruments. He was probably more excited about this event than anyone in the whole ocean. He was sure that this concert would be the pinnacle of his musical career, and his efforts really pleased the king.

"I'm really looking forward to this performance Lily." Gajeel told him.

"Your majesty." The sea cat replied. "This will be the finest concert I have ever conducted. Your sisters will be spectacular."

"Yes. Especially Juvia." He agreed.

"Indeed. She has the most beautiful voice."

Panther Lily then climbed the podium, and when he raised his baton, a curtain of bubbles rose up to reveal the five young mermaids. Meredy started by playing the calliope while Chelia played the flute and Sherry played the harp. Magnificent music filled the entire castle, as the four mermaids moved to the melody of their own songs and sweet voices that were far sweeter than those of the dwellers on earth. However Juvia sang more harmoniously than any other for there was none on earth or in the sea who had a voice more beautiful than hers.

"Between the here, between the now
Between the North, between the South
Between the West, between the East
Between the time, between the place.

From the shell,
The song of the sea.
Neither quiet nor calm,
Searching for love again.

My love."

Juvia did love to sing, it was a special talent that helped her feel closer to her mother's spirit, and her singing was the only thing that made all other merfolk forget how strange they thought her to be, and look upon her like the true princess. Merpeople, fish, crabs, sharks, clams, all living things in the sea would stop to listen. Even the coral was said to sigh with pleasure at the sound of her singing.

"Between the winds, between the waves
Between the sands, between the shores.

From the shell,
The song of the sea.
Neither quiet nor calm,
Searching for love again.

Between the stones, between the storms
Between belief, between the seas.

I am in tune."

The merpeople clapped and cheered for her with great enthusiasm and joy. Praising the five sea princesses for their grand show, Gajeel himself was beaming pride for one of the few things that brought him great joy was to hear his sisters make music and fill his life with song.

"They really are wonderful dear." Levy said. "A pity though, you never perform with them."

"I just don't have it in me anymore honey."

"I don't know about that." She said. "After all, you taught them how to make music."

Gajeel sighed and a sad smile appeared on his face.

"It wouldn't be the same without Mom and Dad."

Levy gave him an understanding and loving look, then held his hand.

"Don't think of sad times now. Not today. It's your sister's birthday Gajeel. This should be happy day." She kissed his cheek. "Come now, let's go start the party."

Gajeel nodded and followed his wife into the banquet hall where the royal family and their guests would dine, converse, and celebrate. Chelia and Meredy played games with merfolk their age or younger, Sherry spent the whole night at the side of her beloved fiancé Ren while eagerly discussing her wedding plans with her friends. As for Juvia, all she could do was sit and think about all the wonderful things that she had seen in the surface world. It was everything she ever dreamed of and more. She actually met a human who was capable of kindness, as opposed what everyone else thought. Oh if only she could tell her family about it.

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