Chapter 27

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Wendy kicked and beat against the bars of her cage for hours, desperately trying to somehow escape before Faust returned and killed her. She still couldn't believe how monstrous her uncle was. To kill his own brother and now planning to kill her, did this man have no soul? Well whether he did or not, one thing was sure, he had every intention of ending her life, that she could tell by his eyes. But Wendy had decided that she was going to die today or any time soon.

"Come on." She said now attempting to pry the bars open. "I just need you to open a little."

Unfortunately she wasn't strong enough to perform such an act. So far none of her attempts to escape this cage had worked. The situation was starting to look hopeless. But then as if by a miracle, she could see a rock the size of her hand just a few spaces away from the cage. If she could just reach it, then she could use it to break the lock and escape.

She stuck her arm through the bars and stretched it toward the rock. She reached and strained her arm with her all her might, it hurt terribly but she just had to get that rock. She just had to, it was her only chance. Her entire life depended on if her hand could reach that seemingly insignificant rock. At long last her fingers were able to graze the hard surface and with a little tap to bring it closer, she could finally grab it with her whole hand. 

Acting quick, she beat and bashed that rock against the lock, not stopping once, not even when she accidentally hit her fingers in the process. It hurt terribly but it was nothing compared to the girl's fate should she fail to get out of this cage. Finally she hit the lock just right and it fell to the ground. She shoved the cage open and bolted out of there like a rabbit who's hole had been flooded by a rainstorm.  

Now she was free but where was she going to go? She couldn't go home because her uncle was there. And as much as she loved the jungles and the savannas, she couldn't just couldn't go live there. She didn't know how to survive out in the wild alone. Sure she had been trying to learn how to do so but she had not learned enough yet. What in the world was she going to do?

"Well looky here." She heard a familiar voice say. "It seems the canary has gotten out of her cage."

She turned around to find Ajeel and Dimaria looking down at her.

"Oh thank goodness you're here!" She said. "It's just terrible! Faust is trying to kill me! And he killed my father too! You have to help me!"

"Oh we'll help you alright." Ajeel said with a malicious grin and sneer at the same time. "We'll help you set up a very nice burial for yourself."


"Sorry little girl." Dimaria said. "But we agree with your uncle, you leading this tribe is a mistake that must be prevented, for the good of the tribe."

Wendy didn't hesitate a moment longer. She took off running, her heart pounding and her breathing heavy. This couldn't be happening. It just couldn't be. First her uncle was trying to kill her and now two of the sub-chiefs, who else was in on this conspiracy to assassinate her? Was everyone she ever trusted a traitor?

Ajeel and Dimaria chased after the girl but they had underestimated how good of a runner she was. A fast and agile little thing she was, racing further away from them and climbing up slopes and ledges with ease. She was almost like a cheetah and monkey merged into one. But the two traitors weren't going to give up just yet. If Faust found out that she had escaped that they knew about it and didn't stop her or more specifically kill her, then they would be dead meat. 

"She can't run and climb forever." They both thought.

And their thoughts were proven true when she attempted to get away by climbing the skeleton of an elephant but the weak bones gave way and she fell right into a corner. Ajeel and Dimaria closed in on her, producing a hunting knife and a spear, they had her trapped like a rat now. 

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