Opening Up

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Amy wakes me up by fucking me
"Just give in baby, you're so pretty when you're being fucked."
I let out a moan accidentally.
"Now that's more like it"
She grins and goes harder until I cum.
"Good girl"
She praises me as she wipes me down.
She gets in beside me and she lies down.
"I don't understand why you resist me"
She questions as she fondles my nipple
"I have a girlfriend"
She slaps me as I start to cry.
"I'll kill you if you don't stop fighting me"
I sob as she leaves.
"I'll be back to give you breakfast"
She locks me in my room.
I panic and I feel my hands becoming numb.
I pace back and forth and I bite my nails.
They start to bleed.
Amy walks in with a plate in her hand
She's now wearing a different outfit: a tank top with a tight black skirt.
She puts the plate down on the bed and I don't go near it.
She closes the door and she grabs my arm.
"Sit the fuck down Maura and eat."
She sits me down on the bed and I look at the food like it's my worst enemy.
"Fine, open your mouth"
She stuffs the waffle into my mouth and I take a sip of water once I ate it.
"That wasn't so hard"
"I want to be sick"
"No, you're not allowed to purge here."
She takes me into her office and she hands me a bucket
"Do it if you really want to!"
She sits down and cross her legs.
She watches as I stick my fingers down my throat.
I throw up the waffle and she smiles.
I finish heaving and I wipe my mouth off.
She gives the bucket to Hugo.
I go to leave her office to go back to my room.
"No you're staying in here"
She locks the door and sits back down.
I can still taste the vomit in my mouth but she gives me a coke.
I drink it gratefully.
She works on some paperwork.
"You and Lucky have great chemistry"
She comments
"Are you jealous?"
I joke as I laugh.
She slaps me hard.
I fight her as she pulls me to the floor.
"Maura...stop resisting"
I wake up and I see that Jane is awake and eating a sandwich.
"Are you okay baby?"
"Yeah I'm fine"
I take a deep breath and force myself to eat the sandwich that was there for me.
"Good job baby"
I smile lightly and I stretch my legs.
I randomly start to cry and Jane holds me as I sob.
"I'm gonna go back to sleep baby"
"Okay honey"
I get into the bed and out my head underneath the covers.
I fall asleep an hour later
"What do you want Maura?"
Amy questions as I come into her office clutching my stomach and limping.
"Hugo's hurt me"
I cry.
She closes the door and she sits me down.
"What did he do?"
She looks worried.
"He- he raped me and he- he choked me out. He beat me so bad, I can barely stand "
Hugo comes in.
"Little bitch! I'm not finished with you!"
I yell as Hugo drags me out by my hair
I wake up startled but I instantly fall asleep.
I go back to Amy's office once he's finished
I crawl my way to her office since I can't stand.
" me"
I sob as she embraces me.
"Sh sh I've got you"
She helps me onto the couch as she removes my shirt
"What are you- don't!"
I sob hysterically as she moves to her drawer.
"I'm getting you a pair of clean clothes honey."
She pulls out a tracksuit set and she helps to change me into it.
I lie down on her couch and she gives me a painkiller.
I take it and she sits back down at her desk.
I question as I hold my stomach.
"You're such a nice person really you are but it's the things you do that make Hugo and I
hurt you"
I nod slightly.
I wake up this time panicked.
Jane sits down beside me
"Breathe honey. You're alright"
I take a couple of deep breaths before my breath becomes normal again.
"I- I hate this so much"
"You hate what baby?"
She questions as she pulls at my bracket that has nearly fallen off.
"How I still live in fear"
"Baby you've been diagnosed with severe PTSD and you know that it can't just go away"
"I don't want to be stuck like this for the rest of my life...I don't want to suffer anymore"
"It's okay baby...we're getting you help but it's a process."
"I know but honestly I've given up on saving myself"
"I haven't baby....I want to save you."
"Nobody's ever cared for me the way you do"
I kiss her and she kisses me back.
She places her hand on the back of my neck and continues kissing me.
I kiss her and then I call it off
I want to go further but I just think that I'm not ready.
She accepts that I want to stop so she pulls away.
We get dinner delivered to the room and then Jane goes to the bathroom while Sandy watches me.
I eat the dinner as Sandy watches
I go to the bathroom after and Jane watches me like a hawk.
I get back into bed and yawn.
"Go to sleep honey if you're tired"
"Oh okay"
I close my eyes and fade into the darkness

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