saving the best for last - Bobby/MC (Mature)

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Bobby McKenzie stood at the end of the row of men and glanced over at each of them. Gary, a bloke if he ever saw one, well-built but a little on the short and stocky side. Rocco, who met the "tall, dark, handsome" criteria but was a little too much of a hippie. Noah, the strong but silent type – girls would be all over that one. Ibrahim, the professional athlete with washboard abs – he might be a bit of a challenge, if appearances were anything to go by.

But no matter. Bobby McKenzie was confident in his own game, and he'd show them that the boy with the baker's bod – toned, but with just a bit of pudge hiding his abs – and the clown-like demeanor was just as good as any of them – maybe even better. He could pull. He wasn't worried.

And then he saw her and his breath was taken away. The girl that walked out of the villa first with glowing skin, luscious curves, and long, thick hair that he desperately wanted to wrap his fingers around. He wanted her, in every way.

But despite flashing him a brilliant smile and laughing at his cheesy joke, she chose to couple up with Gary instead. Gary? Now that was a surprise. Gary was punching way above his weight with that one.

The next three girls quickly snapped up the other three boys – figures, they were all blinded by the abs and smouldering looks – and Bobby groaned as the last girl came out. A thin, timid-looking redhead. Really? This was the best Love Island could muster? What happened to 'saving the best for last'?

He didn't want to step forward, but he was the only guy left standing on his own. What else was he supposed to do? So he did, and she looked relieved, albeit a little intimidated. He did his best to reassure her, to at least pretend he was interested. After all, you never knew what you could get out of it.

Later that afternoon when they played Truth or Dare, she talked about her Lady Chatterley's Lover moment, and he figured he was in with a shot. All he had to do was turn on the charm.

So that night when they went to bed (after another drop-dead gorgeous bombshell walked in, hello), she was putty in his hands. He made sure she felt good, then he got what he wanted. Sort of. He would've preferred to fuck her harder, but the last thing he needed was for her to start crying. So he was gentle, and let his mind wander to what he'd like to do to one of the other girls as a means to get off. It would do.

He wasn't so lucky the second night. Priya (the bombshell) was given the chance to choose any of the guys to couple up with, and despite his best efforts to graft on the sly, she chose Gary instead (really? What was it about blokey Gary that he had all these girls falling at his feet?). And instead of coming to bed with him, Hannah (the redhead he had the misfortune of being coupled up with) decided to spend the night on the daybeds comforting Kyla (the first girl to come out of the villa the day before, the one that made him weak in the knees). To be fair, he would have done the same thing. He went outside for a peek to see if they were getting up to anything interesting, but they were just talking. Disappointing. He went back to bed and rubbed one out fantasizing, though.

The following evening there was a recoupling. He was really hoping for a chance to pick Kyla, but the fucking athlete got there first. No matter, Bobby was thrilled to get his second choice, Priya. Hannah's face might have fallen a little bit at that, but c'mon, you could hardly blame him. Why choose a pony when you can have a thoroughbred?

The sex that night was mind-blowing. Priya's knockers were to die for, and she had these amazing thighs that were like vices wrapped around his head as he ate her out. He could die and go to heaven between her legs.

A couple days later, they were joined by two new guys, Posh Prick and Mini Thor. Or rather, Lucas and Henrik. They both took Priya on dates, which Bobby wasn't too thrilled about. He had a good thing going with her, though they both knew that sex was all it was ever going to be – she was just waiting for a chance to get her claws into Noah, and he still wanted Kyla.

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