Jo & Tim & Blake & Rohan (Explicit)

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"How do you think this is your towel? Do you even wash it?"

"No, I don't wash the towel; the towel washes me! Who washes a towel?"

"You never wash...?"

"You wash your towel?"

"You never wash the towel?!"

"What am I going to do? Wash the shower next? Wash a bar of soap? You got to think here, pal."

"I'm furious right now."

"I get out of the damn shower, I'm clean as a damn baby, and I use the towel."

Tim is laughing his head off as his favourite episode of New Girl wraps up on the TV screen. It's his favourite for the towel scene alone, which he could watch on repeat all day.

Sometimes, he actually does.

The flat's front door opens, and his roommate Rohan comes inside, juggling a couple of paper grocery bags filled almost to the brim with food as he nudges the door shut with his foot.

"Rohan! My man! Did you get," Tim lowers his voice, "the stuff?"

"The stuff?" Rohan asks, shooting Tim a funny look. "What stuff?"

"You know. The stuff." Tim wiggles his eyebrows as he grins at his roommate from across the room of the loft.

"Mate, what kind of movies are you even watching? Nobody calls it that!" Rohan rolls his eyes as he begins unpacking the groceries.

"I've heard people call it that!"

"Yeah, sure. Get over here and help, will ya?"


"You've watched enough New Girl for today, haven't you? Besides, I want this dinner to be perfect."

"And you're asking me to help?"

"I can't do it all myself; we're running out of time. Besides, don't you want to impress Jo with your kitchen skills?"

"Mate, she's well aware that I have none, but fine." Tim grumbles, but he turns off the telly and reluctantly peels himself off the black leather sectional. "What are we making?"


"Pasta? That's the best you can do for a Valentine's Day dinner?"

Rohan glares at him. "I'm limited by my sous chef."

"I don't speak French."

"Just chop these veggies and try to be quiet."

"You trust me with a knife?"

"Fine! I'll do the veggies, you do the salad."

"Yes, ma'am."

Rohan glares again, and Tim raises his hand in surrender. "Alright, alright!"

Tim washes the lettuce Rohan hands to him, while Rohan busies himself with chopping the veggies. They work quietly, and other than the sounds of their preparations, the only thing breaking the silence is the construction going on outside their building.

"Shit," Rohan mutters after a few minutes.


"I forgot the mushrooms."


"So, we need them. Blake loves mushrooms."

"So, why didn't you buy any?"

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