anatomy of a heartbreak - Bobby/Lucas (Mature)

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Bobby grabs the last box of his belongings out of the boot of his car and balances it on his hip as he closes the lid. That's it, the last of his things. Minus the unpacking, he's officially moved into his new home for the next eight months — the terraced house he'll be sharing with two other students. If all goes well, this will be the last time he needs to make this move. Took him longer than most to get to this point, but like many teenagers, he had no idea what he wanted to study at first, so he bounced around a bit before finally settling on culinary arts.

Once he settles into his room, he heads to the kitchen to fix himself lunch, suddenly realizing that he's starving. He's staring forlornly at the empty cupboards when he hears the front door open. Moments later, one of his roommates, Noah, walks into the room.

"Bobby! I thought I saw a familiar heap of rusted metal out in front," Noah says dryly as he leans against the fridge. "You know that rubbish collection isn't until Thursday?"

"Ha, ha," Bobby replies, rolling his eyes. He gestures towards the cupboards. "I see you still haven't learnt to do the food shopping."

"Why bother when I knew you were coming back?" Noah gives him a wry smile before pushing himself off the fridge, opening it, and grabbing the lone cup of yoghurt. "Good to see you, by the way."

"You too."

They clasp hands and give each other a one-armed bro hug.

"But seriously, what am I supposed to eat?"

Noah shrugs. "I dunno; you're the culinary arts student. Make some culinary art."

Bobby shakes his fist at his friend. It's an old joke, one he's heard him use many times over the years they've been living together, ever since they were both freshmen. Who knew when they got assigned to the same dorm room that first year that the library sciences nerd and the wannabe punk rocker would become such fast friends?

They even dated for a brief period in second year, before realizing that there was nothing more between them than sexual chemistry. Breaking up made things awkward for a little while, but their friendship was too strong to keep them apart for long, and they almost subconsciously slipped back into their normal routine of friendly banter and casual conversation. Sometimes, when they're both single, they still hook up on occasion, especially when either of them is going through a particularly hard time and needs a little extra 'tender loving care.'

It's a relationship that works for them, and Bobby wouldn't have it any other way.

"Fiiine, I'll go to the store. You wanna come with?"

"Nah." Noah shakes his head, before scooping a spoonful of yoghurt into his mouth. "New guy should be showing up soon. I need to be here to meet him."

"Ah. Where's he from again? Denmark?"


"Oh, right." Bobby starts belting out a compilation of ABBA songs and dancing as he goes through the cupboards, making a mental note of what he needs to pick up at the store.

As he's heading out the door, Noah calls out to him.

"Can you get some Monster Munch?"

"Absolutely not; that stuff is an insult to humanity."

Noah flips him off, and Bobby just laughs at him as he leaves the house and closes the door behind him. Of course he's getting the Monster Munch.



Bobby groans into his pillow as his phone vibrates on his nightstand, bemoaning the end of the dream that just got interrupted. Already the details are slipping away, but his friend Gary and his nan were in it, they lived in a small town and worked in a restaurant, and Bobby was dating... a movie star? She was hot, and the dream was about to get even hotter when he was rudely awoken.

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