love me - Roberto/MC (Mature)

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"Everyone's acting weird tonight," Violet observes as she swirls the wine in her glass, looking around the lawn from her place on one of the outdoor couches. Ozzy and Marshall are standing by the pool, casting furtive looks in her direction, while Grace and Flo are in the kitchen, chatting. Lewie and Roberto are nowhere to be seen, and Amelia and Toby are out on their date — their prize for winning the baby challenge.

"Oh?" Bella sits up straighter next to her. "What do you mean?"

Violet narrows her eyes at her friend, who looks like she's trying desperately to appear innocent and unawares.

"What's going on?"


Before Violet can press her further, her phone buzzes. It's not the audible chime of an official text, so she doesn't yell out to alert the others, but rather the vibration indicates it's from one of her fellow Islanders.

She glances at the screen and smiles when she sees it's from her partner, Roberto. Swiping to unlock, she reads the message.

Roberto: Meu amor, my first grand gesture didn't go over so well, but hopefully this one is more your style

And then, nothing. Violet stares at it, her brow furrowing. What's that supposed to mean? She looks up, searching for any sign of him, wondering what sort of gesture he has planned for her, but there's nothing.

Beside her, Bella clears her throat. "What's it say?"

"That's what I'm trying to figure out." She tilts the screen towards her friend, who just grins instead of reading it.

"It's a clue."


"That's all I'm allowed to say. The text is a clue."

Violet reads it again, wondering what she's missing until she realizes the words "grand gesture" are in bold, and she recalls the day Roberto tried to dance for her in some weird attempt to prove how much she meant to him.

"The pool," she whispers, her eyes widening as she glances up at the twins.

"Good luck!" Bella says, getting up and wandering towards the kitchen, leaving Violet to embark on her treasure hunt alone.

She hurries towards the boys, and Ozzy grins as he hands her a napkin.


There are words hastily scribbled on the paper napkin: I'll choose you over and over again

"Choose you... Recouplings! The fire pit!"

Rushing over to the fire pit, she finds another napkin.

One of my favourite memories in the villa will always be making late night toasties together

"Aww. I love that." It's a tradition that started shortly after Elliot stole her in a recoupling. Almost every night, they'd get together in the kitchen and cook, just the two of them. Experimenting with different toppings, then sharing their creations. Taking turns letting the other have the bigger portion.

She heads to the kitchen, where Grace winks as she holds out another napkin.

"This is so cute!" she squeals. "You're so lucky!"

Violet smiles at her as she accepts the next clue. "Ozzy better find a way to top this, huh?"

"Oh, please. This is way too cute — I don't think anyone's outdoing Roberto on this one."

"It's so sweet," Flo adds with a smile. "You guys are couple goals."

"Thanks," Violet replies gratefully, her heart warming. She and Roberto have dealt with a number of bumps in the road, but they've only come out stronger. It's nice to hear that others recognize it too.

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