lights, camera... love? - Bobby/MC (Explicit)

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Bobby McKenzie has always been a hopeless romantic. He's always thought that when he meets the love of his life, he'll know right away. He's not sure how he's supposed to know, but he feels like it's his destiny. Love at first sight. It sounds like such a cliché, but it's one he truly believes in. Of course, he probably wouldn't come out and admit it to his friends. He knows what they'll say: that it only happens in romance novels, and who reads those, anyway? Or worse, that it'll never happen to him. That he has to make his own luck, because the universe isn't going to do him any favours.

He's had a few close calls over the years, though — times where he thought for sure he'd met the one, only to be let down, gently or not-so-gently, a few weeks, months, even years later. Girls who came to see him more as a friend than a lover, or who couldn't get over some of his "childish behaviour." Some of them even tried to change him, only to eventually come to the conclusion that he was a hopeless case.

But now, with a pair of the most gorgeous, swollen red lips wrapped around his cock, he's sure that this is it: love. The moment he first saw her, he was done for. And it couldn't just be lust, because he's seen and fucked a lot of beautiful women, and he's never felt this way before. This isn't like those other close calls; something's different this time. Maybe it's the way his heart beats just a little faster, or the shiver that passed through him the moment she touched him for the first time. Or the way his name sounded on her tongue, mesmerizing him until he couldn't think straight.

That same tongue is now stroking along the vein on the underside of his cock, and he feels like he's died and gone to heaven. Whatever he did in a past life to deserve this, he's thanking his past self profusely for it.

He threads his fingers through her long, luscious brown hair. He wants to believe it's just to get it out of her way, but really, it's mostly to give himself a better view of his cock disappearing into her mouth. He's careful, though, not to hold too tight, allowing her to move freely. As much as he would love to hold her head in place and thrust into her, he wants her to feel in control. She looks up at him, her gorgeous dark eyes watering as she rewards him by relaxing her throat and swallowing him as deep inside her as she can.

It's no easy feat, either — he knows his cock isn't the biggest, but it's got a nice girth to it. He's maybe a little bigger than average, and he knows because in this industry, he's seen some big cocks. Hell, he's been fucked by some of them, too. His is certainly nothing to be ashamed of, and he hasn't gotten any complaints so far. Quite the opposite, really. He's had more than one person tell him that if it were just about the sex, they would stay. That's something, at least, isn't it?

He moans and releases one hand from her hair so that he can grip the kitchen counter. He needs it to support him, to keep him crumpling into a heap as his knees weaken. This is easily the best blowjob he's ever gotten; he can hardly believe he's being paid for it.

She follows up his moan with one of her own, and the vibrations send a shiver throughout his body, spreading like lightning to his toes and to each of his fingertips. Her mouth is magical, and if he's not careful, he's going to come in her throat any minute now. Under normal circumstances, that wouldn't be a problem. In fact, it's something he'd really, really like to do — but coming early isn't exactly the first impression he has in mind for the woman he believes he's destined to be with.


The director's call comes as a relief, saving him from the embarrassment of a mistake that only rookies make. And he's no rookie.

But he still mourns the loss of her mouth as she pulls away and stands up, wiping saliva away and giving him what he thinks is a smirk that says she knows how close he was to blowing his load.

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