on the rocks - Bobby/MC/Lucas (Explicit)

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"So... you kissed me. I didn't expect that."

Josie sighs, her shoulders slumping as she looks up at Lucas, who's staring back at her with the hint of a smile on his lips.

"Yeah, me neither," she says. "I'm sor—"

"No need to apologize." The smile turns into a full-fledged smirk. "It was a pleasant surprise. After our date this morning, I thought that door was closed."

"I know. I thought it was, and I intended to keep it that way. But the more we talked, the more I felt like the connection we had before..."

"Was still there? I know, I felt it too."

Josie nods. The connection between them had been instant. From the moment she'd met his gaze the morning when he and Henrik entered the villa, she'd felt something. Maybe it was just lust at first sight, but her stomach flip-flopped when she first met him, and there had definitely been some chemistry during their date. Things had been going well between them, and it seemed a certainty that they'd couple up at the first opportunity; but then he'd been dumped before they had a chance.

Now he's in the villa again, brought back as a returning islander during the last week to stir things up. And that's exactly what he's doing, causing those old feelings to come bubbling back to the surface. After his departure she'd coupled up with Henrik, only to have her heart broken when he switched to Blake after Casa Amor. She then coupled up with Bobby as friends, only to finally realize she had feelings for him. They slept together for the first time just the night before. And then this morning she'd been whisked away on a surprise date with Lucas and had to tell him it was over between them – she was with Bobby now.

But all throughout that date she wasn't able to deny that the connection between them was still there. Her feelings for him were unresolved, and he had returned to the villa unaware of her budding relationship with Bobby, fully expecting to be welcomed back with open arms. It hurt to turn him down – not just because it hurt him, but because it hurt her. She hated to admit it, but it hurt to close the door on what could've been when she wasn't sure she was quite ready to do so.

So, when they played 'Snog, Marry, Pie' as a challenge later that morning, she needed to know if they still had that spark. She kissed Lucas, and she had her answer – it was still there.

Regardless of her feelings for Bobby, she still feels the same way about Lucas as she did the day he'd been dumped. And she's not ready to turn those feelings off completely.

"And you came back for me," Josie says. "I didn't think it was fair to you to not at least give you a chance."

"Thank you. You have no idea how much I appreciate that."

Josie smiles and feels a nervous fluttering sensation in her belly as she gazes at Lucas. She can't help but wonder how things would have gone if he hadn't left the villa in the first place. They would have coupled up, she would never have gotten close with Henrik, and she would have stayed in the friendzone with Bobby. Villa life could have been so much simpler than the roller coaster she'd been put on.

As they continue chatting, she feels more and more like this is something she needs to explore. So, when Lucas asks if he can kiss her, it only takes a moment to realize how much she wants it.

And it's not like she's spent much time worrying about consequences before; why start now?

She scootches closer to him and leans in as his arm circles her waist. Their lips touch, and it's even better than the kiss they shared this morning. That one was experimental; this one holds all the feelings for him that she'd buried deep inside. It feels like they're making up for weeks of lost time as his tongue parts her lips and he's moaning into her mouth. Her arms come up around his neck and she climbs onto his lap. She needs to feel more of him, needs to press against his chest and hold him close the way she should have done weeks ago.

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